Chapter 2: Get some sleep, you look like shit.

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*A picture of Veronique at the top/side.

Veronique POV

Ever since I got home I've been on the phone with Lizzy, Riri and May talking about my encounter with Chelsea.

"Is she serious like last year she was all over him and he never give her his time, he hardly looked at her and now he's her man, I wonder what happened between them during summer??" Said Riri who was probably voicing her thoughts.

"Well we shouldn't be surprised if they hooked up I mean like come on she's the queen slut and he's the king of players, it was only time before they hook up"

"True true, but I don't get why the chick came to me, I don't even like him, if I could find a way to never have him in a mile radius of me I would"

"Yeah, but anyways next time she try something we'll all be there, because she don't try mess with one of us and get away with it" said May being the protective n sweet bestie she is.

"Awee thanks booboo, anyways I gotta go now,food and the tv is calling me yet again and I can't afford to decline that call" I said hoping imma get some food in my stomach in the next three minutes.

"Are you really ditching us for food and tv, Verro???" Asked lizzy.

"Umm yeah, duhhhh it's food we're talking about" , did she even need to ask that?

"Babyee beauties, i'll holla at y'all tomorrow", I said cutting the line on the call and rushing down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Hmm what should I make?" I said to myself as I looked around the kitchen.
Nah never mind I'm to lazy, I'm going to order some dominos pizza.

"Hi what's your order "

"Hi um I'd like to get a large pizza,half pepperoni half cheese and a coke and also some potato fries".

"Ok your delivery will be there in 15-20 minutes, thanking you for ordering at dominos ".

Once I came off the phone I decided to watch some tv while I waited. Oh look zoey 101 is on.
I started singing alone to the theme song until I listened to my actual voice and realize: I'm a horrible singer.


Just when the closing credits was rolling the doorbell rang.

"I really hope that's the pizza my stomach won't shut up it,we need food", I said to my self on the way to the door.

I payed the guy with the funny looking hat and toke my stuff and went into the living room.

"Hmm I feel like watching Vampire Diaries, my eyes are calling the sexy Salvatore's".

I layed on the couch  my eyes glued to the tv . Two episodes, half a box a pizza later I decided that it would be the best time to start my homework.

I cleaned up my mess and made my way upstairs to start Torturing my brain with these things we call homework.

Couple hours later I was finally finished. I seriously don't know why teachers have the need to give us so much homework on the first day of school.

All that was on my mind was my comfy ass bed . I crawled onto it, ready to fall into a deep slumber.

Just as I was about to fall asleep i heard my name being called by the one and only :My Mom .

I thought that if I ignored her she'd get the memo and know that I was asleep.

But boy was I wrong, instead she came up to my room still constantly repeating my name.

"Yes Ma"

"Oh hi sweetie were you asleep "
No shit Sherlock

" yeah I kinda was, was there a reason why you were calling me ma?"

"Oh yeah I wanted to tell you some news "

"Ma why do you look nervous"

"Umm cause we kinda gonna have someone staying with us and he's going to be staying for the next three weeks "

"What someone staying with us as in live eat breathe---- wait HE, what do you mean he "
I Breathe in and out slowly.
I tried calming my self down before talking again

"Mom who's staying with us ?"

"Well I think his name is Justin Mars, he's your age so you should get along fine with him"

"JUSTIN MARS, are you serious?? Get along with him mom,I can't get along with him.I hate him. He's the player of the school, how am I supposed to live with him for three fricking weeks. Can't he just find some where else.Where is the his parents anyways?"

"Watch your tone young lady and his parents are going away on Vacation and they don't want to leave him in the house all alone."

"So what if he's alone, he's a 17 year old boy, I'm sure he can take car of himself or have one of his many chicks take care of him, I'm sure those dumbos would be happy to."

"But can't he stay by his stupid friends, why he gotta stay here?"

"Cause I said so, now stop talking back and accept he's going to be here."

"Ugh fine Mom" I said giving up once I noticed the tired look on her face.

"When is he coming anyway?" I asked wishing it would be neverary.

"He'll be here by Saturday Afternoon, so you have at least the rest of the week to enjoy being alone"

Sigh "okay ma"

"Goodnight sweetheart and get some sleep you look like shit"

Well if someone hadn't interrupt me falling asleep I wouldn't be looking like shit.

" yeah yeah goodnight mom."

I laid back down, pull the comforters over me, turn of the lights and finally fell into that deep slumber I've been dreaming about all day.

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