Chapter 1

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A familiar

He looks impatiently at the clock, while he closes his hoodie. The hands are too slow, but unfortunately, he can not force them to move quicker. He puts on the hood and rubs his hands, counting the seconds.

The time comes, and Urgot rushes towards the television. He throws away the sofa where Viktor is sitting and picks up the remote control, changing the channel.

« Welcome gentle viewers to the column " Our brave Star Guardians"! Burning bright... »

« ...As we reach out for the same horizon! » he shouts, ending the sentence with the presenter.

The jingle of the newscast starts, and he starts to sing along, filling the garage with his not properly tuned voice.

With that not pleasant soundtrack in his hearing system, Viktor tries to move the sofa away from his body. He saved the life of that being, rebuilding part of his body, and he hates to be thanked in that way. And he does not mean finding himself in an unnatural position under a ninety kilos furniture.

After a bad struggle, that he had to remedy, Urgot's mind went down a crazy road, headed to blind fanaticism of those who should be their archenemy.

The " should " is not used randomly. His years of glory as a villain are gone; none of those magical girls pays attention to him. Because of his poor reputation, he fell into disgrace, and now he is forced to live in a garage squeezed between two buildings. And it is too small for his needs and the presence of the host.

« Ahri, you are beautiful! » shouts Urgot, while Viktor manages to move the sofa.

Another effort and he is finally free. He has never thought to feel his mechanical joints sore. He tries to stretch; he does not want to risk to waste precious parts on repairing himself. Even the crack is a surprise. That hit was worse than he expected.

« Urgot, the next time could you... » he says, approaching the host.

« Embrace the cosmic light! » shouts Urgot, moving an arm trying to emulate his hero.

He hits Viktor and knocks him out. The inventor is on the ground again.

« Ask me gently to switch the channel, » he whispers.

That situation gets more on his nerves than being repeatedly humiliated by the Guardians. He would ask them to hit him indeed, to not endure their stupid jingles any longer.

« Have you seen it? Have you seen it? Ezreal knocked that monster out, and then Miss Fortune gave the final stroke. »

« As always, » Viktor observes standing up.

He knows everything about that quintet against his will, from their best acts of valours to their favourites subjects. And he still asks himself how " Yearbook" could be considered a subject.

« Ladies and gentlemen, I am here with the leader, Ahri. She wants to give you a big announcement, » the presenter says.

« Oooooh! » exclaims Urgot clapping his hands.

« Hi, guys! » Ahri greets, sending a flying kiss to the camera « I hope you are healthy because there will be a big event, and you do not have to miss it! »

Viktor also made a list of the less tolerable of the new heroines. And that hybrid between a human and a fox it almost at the top. Maybe because she is one of the favourites of his host, maybe because her familiar is often fidgety and squeaks continuously, but he thinks the real reason is her attitude. She is arrogant, phoney and has a voice almost more annoying than the one of her failed personal fox.

And he can not express his displeasure, or the sofa would be nothing by comparison.

« We are going to hold a press conference where you can come and meet us! »

« Viktor, Viktor, have you heard it? They will hold a conference for the fans! »

« Sellouts, » the inventor whispers disgusted.

« What? » Urgot asks, annoyed.

« Wonderful! » Viktor corrects himself.

His host luckily does not understand the irony and focuses on the screen. It is not the first time they hold a press conference, and it is not even the first time Urgot attends it. Now his reputation ad a villain is overshadowed by his fanatism. And, for Viktor, this is even worse than oblivion.

« But that is not all! We will give a special prize to our best fan! »

« A special prize to the best fan? Oh, oh, I have to win. I have absolutely to win! »

Urgot grabs in the impetus Viktor and tightens him in an iron grip that cracks his mechanisms.

« All right, I have the dress, I know all the quotes, maybe I could find a rare album? No, this is not enough, everybody has those things. » Urgot mumbles, walking back and forth and dragging the inventor with him « There must be something that nobody can have. Powers? No, I asked you to modify me to have shots similar to their powers... Wait, I do not have a familiar! »

« What? »

« Yes, it is perfect! You gave me these powers, and now you can build me a familiar! » Urgot says exited, lifting Viktor in front of him.

« Do you want a mechanical beast that walks around you? » he asks, confused.

He wants to use his pieces in a better way, maybe to create machinery that would bring him to the fore, and not please Urgot's sick dreams.

« No, you are right. Mechanical will be ugly. And if I sew a cloth body to cover the mechanical skeleton? »

« Do not assume that I will use my pieces for something like that. And I have also run out of fuel for an engine. »

« Well, go get it, » Urgot says, dropping Viktor.

His host is annoyed, that is a clear signal, like his grim look. The inventor curses himself for giving him that mortal equipment, even if he was well-intentioned on that day. He has never thought that a villain like him could end in that state.

« I really would like to do that, but the fuel is expensive, and I prefer to use that money for the rent. The CEM does not pay as before, mostly if it does not have results. »

« Do not worry. I will handle this, » Urgot says, cracking his fingers.
Viktor is in a bad situation, but he does not envy the poor soul they would blackmail.

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