I told you I'm crazy

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As soon as they sprung into action Harley attacks Joker who was sitting near the end of the table next to Luther. Luther gets attacked by Red Hood. Grodd gets attacked by Ivy. Dr. Maximilian Nero (the leader of H.I.V.E. and one of the most formidable members of G.L.O.V.E.) gets attacked by Frost. Brain aka Brain Master gets attacked by Batwoman. Reaper and Ghost attacked everyone else (Deadshot, Joker's Goons, Luther's attack bots).

With Harley and Joker's fight
While Harley was fighting Joker he says "What's wrong Harley what did I do to you hahaha." With a laugh
"Everything you asshole." she yells as she hits him in the head with her giant mallet. "Oh really, would it help if I said sorry.". He said with a laugh.
"Drop dead jackass!!!" She yells with pure anger.

With Luther and red hood's fight
Luther now in his warsuit (aka LexCorp Battlesuit) "You can't hope to beat me this suit was made to kill superman."
"No that suit was made to kill kryptonians but I'm not kryptonian I'm a deadman walking and I'm gonna put you down for good." Said Red Hood with determination.
"Oh shut up and die already." Said Lex as he tried to punch Red Hood.
"Been dead done that." He said as he put a bomb on Lex's suit. The bomb goes off with a boom.

With Ivy and Grodd's fight
"I am going to kill you, you simpleton." Grodd said while trying to mind control her.
"Not a chance you ape." Ivy said while trying to mind control him with her flowers. They both refused to back down.
"You can't beat me I'm as strong as mother nature herself." Said Ivy
"That is what you think you simpleton." Grood says back.

With Dr. Maximilian Nero and Frost's fight
"You did this to me you're the reason I'm Killer Frost." Frost yelled.
"Oh get over it." Max yelled back trying to shoot her. But he has no such luck he missed and she hit him with an icicle.
"Nice try but I'm to powerful." Said Frost.
"Like hell you are." Yelled max.

With Batwoman and Brain's fight
"You will never beat me thanks to my genetically enhanced animals that I'm mind controlling." Brain says as he has his animals attack Batwoman.
"Nice try but I can handle a few animals." she says as she throws her batarangs.
"That maybe so but I am far to smart for you to beat me." He says.
"We'll just see about that." She replies.

Back to Joker and Harley's fight
After a gruelling fight Harley slams her mallet into Joker's face bruising it even more than she already had. "That's it Joker you're done."
"No I'm not I'm just getting started." He lunges at her but she knees him in the stomach. He falls to the ground.
"No you're done. Oh and just in case it wasn't already abundantly clear we are done for good, puddin'. She says in an angry and mocking tone as she turns around and runs toward Red Hood to help him fight Lex.
"NO! Don't you ever turn your back on me and call me that you bitch!" He yells as he picks up his knife and run after her so he can stab her. When Harley gets to Red Hood to help he turns and sees Joker about to stab Harley he runs and punches him in the face. "It's just you and me now Joker. Harley can you handle Lex for a sec."
"No problem I can handle him my self." She said confidently .
"Good cuz I'm gonna kill Joker." He said as he shot at Joker.

Now Red Hood and Jokers fight
"I'm gonna put you down for good clown."
"You're welcome to try." He said with a creepy laugh. But it was cut short when Red Hood shot him in the arm. "Ahh!! What no rubber bullets? Did batsy actually agree to let you kill me?" He asked questioningly.
"No, but he didn't say I couldn't either." He said as he continued beating The Joker. After a few minutes or so he finely beat Joker to the ground and put a gun to his head. "Any last words Joker."
"Yeah, see you in hell hahaha." He said with a creepy laugh.
"You give clowns a bad name." Red Hood said pulling the trigger and shooting him in the head. After that he ran to fight with Reaper and Ghost.

With Dr. Maximilian Nero and Frost fight
"Looks like you finally ran out of bullets." She said as she shot him in the leg with an icicle.
"Why do you wish to kill me?" He asked.
"I'm gonna kill you because you made me Killer Frost." She says while shooting his other leg.
"No I gave you powers you became Killer Frost I did not make you." He said
"You're right you didn't make me Killer Frost but I'm not the same Killer Frost I used to be I don't just kill any I only kill people who deserve it, people like you. She says as she cuts off his head with ice.
Then she goes to help Reaper, Ghost and Red Hood.

With Batwoman and Brain's fight
After Batwoman beats Brain's animals she puts her gun to his and says "Guess you weren't to smart for me to beat you."

"Wait! I can give you what ever you want I can giv-" she cut him off by shooting him in the head. Then ran to help Reaper, Ghost, Red Hood and Killer Frost fight what seemed like a never ending wave of goons

With Grodd and Ivy's fight
Grodd got tired of trying to win a battle of the minds and tried punching Ivy but she took The opportunity to win the mind battle and was able to stun him. "Looks like mother nature wins." She said as she shot a vine though Grood's heart. She turned around and said "They don't call me the queen of the green for nothing." Then she ran to help fight the endless wave of goons.

Now with Harley and Lex's fight
"You can't beat me Harley you're to weak." He said as he swung his axe and missed.
"Hey I'm crazy, not weak." She said as she jumped up and put a big bomb on his chest.
"Wait what are you doing!" He asked worriedly.
"I told you I'm crazy." She said with a smile as she jumped away and shot the bomb blowing it and Lex up. Then she ran to help the others.

Now with everyone
"Damn this sucks every time we beat one twenty more show up." Said Red Hood who was tired.
"I know but I have an idea, if you guys get out the way Reaper and I can vaporize the rest of them." And so they got out the way then Reaper and Ghost vaporize the rest of the goons.
"We did it." Harley cheered.
"Not yet we still have to show the dead bodies to their army so they'll back down."
And so they did and when the army saw they all surrendered knowing it was there only choice. Most were locked up but some escaped.

One year later

1,256 words

Sorry it took so long to publish this and I hope you enjoyed it. Please leave comments and tell me what you think. The story will have lemons later on. Plus I have so many ideas for the future of the characters and story.

A Gotham Story: About Red Hood, Harley Quinn, Batwoman, Killer Frost And IvyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang