Little Star

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Would you ever wish to be completely normal?
Or would you rather stay in the spotlight?
A Star.
So far away and isolated from everyone else.

But you'd shine brightly still.
Others can feel your warmth, even from a distance.

I hope you aren't lonely up there Little Star.
That big stage looks empty with just you.
You shine brighter, but at what cost?

Lonely Little Star, shining brightly on your own,
But you used to be part of something greater.

You stood with six others on that stage a long time ago.
Together, you made a constellation, brighter and bigger than all the others.

But where are they now?

Their lights faded as they left you alone Little Star.
You could join them, those you hold so dearly.
Give up your place in the sky,
But your light would go out.
The stage would remain dark.

Could you do that Little Star?
Leave the crowd in the dark?

There'd be no more light for them,
No more stars to watch with awe.

You are the last Little Star.
You decide the end.
You choose what happens next,
The future.

Can you do that Little Star?
Can you stop this?

I know it's hard,
I know it hurts.
Letting go is the hardest part.

But you can't keep doing this Little Star.
It's hurting you to be alone.
The weight of the world is not meant to be held by one.
It could be held by seven,
But you are no longer seven Little Star.
Can't you see?

It's time to let go Little Star.
I know it hurts.
You can cry,
But only if you smile afterwards.

Go out Little Star, your light can fade.
They'll be okay,
The crowds of thousands will move on.
You can too Little Star.
Don't be afraid to let go,
There will be a piece of your heart that knows, remembers, and still sees the stage.

Put down the mic.
Walk away.
It's time to go Little Star
Paint a new picture.


March 10, 2020

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