The End.

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The End.
Or is it really?
Maybe it's just a new beginning.

When you finish the last pages of a book,
And close the back cover,
Sealing the story, the world, inside.
Or watch the credits roll,
For the last time.

You're left at the end of a characters story.
At least, the story they tell you.
While they could live on,
Complete their lives and truly finish the story,
They don't.

The end is left completely in your imagination.
As the possibilities of what comes next trickle through your mind,
A new feeling settles in.

The gentle reminder,
To return to your reality.
Because The End hasn't come yet,
Your story is still going.

You have many more adventures to have,
Many more experiences to write about.

The characters will live on in your heart,
Reminding you of who you want to be,
And where you want to go.

Just like you will live on,
In the hearts of others.

While fictional characters,
And real people alike,
Help you find who you want to become.

You will also help others find who they want to become,
The path of life isn't walked alone.
People guide each other,
And when the time comes,
They change paths.

That is The End of their story in your book,
But do not let it end your story.
You still have to find it,
Your end.
The End.

June 23, 2021

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