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Do you ever wish you could go back, just for a moment.

To climbing trees and walking home from school.

To bouncy balls in corner cupboards and playing school on the stairs.

To family traditions at your grandpa's house, with the best homemade rootbeer ever you've ever had.

To a hot pink cast filled with signatures and an elementary school blacktop.

To camping trips and yellow labs napping in the sun.

To notebooks filled with doodles that your parents insisted were prize worthy.

Go back to not worrying about your image or what other people thought from afar.

You played what game you wanted because it was fun.

You wore the clothes you wanted because you liked them, not because they were in style.

You were young.

You were innocent.

And there's beauty in that, beauty you can't always see until it slowly fades away.

May 31st, 2021

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