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Hades himself made sure to harness the immortal horses to the golden chariot

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Hades himself made sure to harness the immortal horses to the golden chariot.

No words were exchanged between the Queen and King, no farewell kiss. At least, not then. Just one meaningful look shared between the two, and the unspoken promise of her return to the arms of her beloved, and to the kingdom that was now rightfully hers just as much as it was his.

She, Persephone, got up on the chariot, and next to her stood Hermes, who took the reins and the whip into his hands and shot out of the palace of Hades. And the horses sped away eagerly.

Swiftly they made their way along the long journey. Neither the sea nor the water of the rivers nor the grassy valleys nor the mountain peaks could hold up the onrush of the immortal horses. High over the peaks, they went, slicing through the vast air. Persephone stood straight the whole journey, not about to lose her dignity, she kept her chin high even when he came to a halt at the place where Demeter was waiting, at the forefront of the temple fragrant with incense.

As Persephone stepped down the chariot, she refused Hermes' hand, which had been extended as he offered his help to her.

"Kore." The icy tone of her mother's voice welcomed her. Persephone met her mother's gaze for the first time in months.

"Mother." Her reply was just as cold.

But she couldn't dwell on her mother's presence any longer as she felt the first sunbeam in months kiss her skin gently. She cried in joy at the warm feeling, the arid and dry land surrounding the temple sprouting green stalks and colorful flowers of all kinds at the sound of her laughter. At her feet, plants tangled between her toes, and emerald vines latched around her ankles in a weak attempt to keep the goddess rooted.

The land had been starved. For how long? She wondered.

Unexpectedly, Persephone was pulled away from her trance by a harsh slap to her cheek.

"How dare you, you foolish girl? Ever since you came out of my womb all I have done is care for you, and this is how you pay me? Humiliating me before all the other gods. What will they say of me, when they see I can't even control my stubborn daughter? You are Zeus' spawn alright, you ungrateful child, just like him. Spiteful daughter, cruel daughter." Demeter spat. Persephone felt nothing but wrath boil inside her. The stinging redness of her flushed cheek only feeding her anger further. Care for her? Her mother had given her up as a sacrifice, willingly spilling her ichor for all the other baleful gods to enjoy. Caring mother? Demeter had only cared for the appearance of the bird she kept imprisoned as a plaything to look upon.

She was no longer her mother's prisoner. She no longer had to keep her mouth shut and her head down. She was a goddess, a Queen, and nobody disrespected the Queen.

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