Chapter VIII

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That is the first thing I yelled at Zac while we're running down the stairs.
After hearing the news, we got a mysterious massage,

---------------Unknown number----------------

??? : Do you want to see him?
                             You: See Who? Who is
??? : My identities in none of your concern, your "friend" is in the WBBA building. Come here and face my... Assistant, better come here before midnight, or your pretty little friend might get hurt~ I'll see you soon Sailor Soldiers♪

Read : 19.30

                 ??? Has blocked you


Not even wasting a second, we transform and booked it down the stairs, since the elevator is too slow. As we ran down, we got some funny looks and stares, but who cares, I need to save them.

I'll prove that monster in my dream. I'll prove him wrong.
Just watch.

We ran out the apartment building and all the way to WBBA, with Crystal and Ocean tailing behind.

When we reach the WBBA building, it's already dark (yeah I was passed out for that long).

"Shist, It's already dark!" Ukyo pant, bending down to catch a breath.

"We *pant* did just *pant* run all the way here *pant* " Zac huffed, sitting on the ground

"Wait- why didn't we take the train? Or the bus?" Crystal asked, hopping on my shoulder,

"WE WERE PANICKING DUMBASS!" Ukyo shout out, annoyed at the white furred cat.

"I'm not a dumbass. I'm a cat" she replied in a 'as-a-matter-of fact' tone of voice.

"Fine, we weren't thinking, we're just worried, ya' know....." I murmured Looking down sadly, "I won't ever forgive myself if Valt, or the others got hurt...."

Zac and Ukyo murmured a few quiet 'same here's Before we all step into the building.

The door was locked, but Zac somehow managed to get his hands on the master key, wich can open any door in the WBBA building.

"So.. what's the plan?" Zac asked

"Why don't we just smash right into it? Defeat whoever kidnap our friends, rescue them, and BAM we're out of here" Ukyo responded with a smirk, already running towards the stairs.

"No. We can't do that, we don't even know where they are and who are we up against!" Ocean scolded, stepping  in front of Ukyo to stop him.

"Hm.. why don't we go to one of the room, and we discuss it there?" I asked, pointing towards an empty room.

"Sounds good, c'mon"

"Hngh.. Fiiinnnee"

Using Zac's key, we entered the room and lock it for security, we all sat down, trying to come up with a plan to defeat whoever has kidnap our friends.

We tried to think of a strategy, but since we don't know who or what are we up against, we've got nothing. We thought that it was luinór in lui's body, but Ocean said the possibility is pretty small, so we got 0 plans.
But, Ocean did sensed a great magical power coming from the WBBA rooftop, so we headed there.

We all got our weapons out, and walked up to the WBBA silently. Well, as silent as possible at least, the building Hall and stairs were so dark we couldn't see a thing, so Zac and I kept on bumping to each other, to the wall, or some stupid pot plant.
Except for Ukyo. He walked just fine, since he is a shadow walker. Lucky him.

When we arrive, the rooftop was completely empty, no one was there except for us.

"Huh, are we Early?" Ukyo asked.

"No, I don't think so," I replied, pulling out my phone to chech out the time.
"It's already 00.05 so I don't think we're late."

"Seriously? Wow we've been here for that long?? " Zac questions.

"it's my fault, I shouldn't have passed out that long... Sorry guys..." I mumbled .

Ukyo put his arm around my shoulder, "Hey, it's not your fault, besides, you were protecting Valt" He smiled, patting my shoulder.

"Well, yeah but-"

"But you're just too weak? " A voice echoed.

"Who's there?!" Ukyo shouted, pushing his back towards mine and Zac's, forming a defensive triangle with our cats on our shoulders in a defensive form.

"Fiesty aren't you, Sailor Shadow? Maybe that's why he loves you so much" the voice cooed

"Shut up and show yourself! You coward!" Ukyo growled.

The voice let out an echoing laughter, as shadows and smokes twirl and dance on the spot in front of us.

We got out of our defensive triangle and made a defensive barrier, lining up side to side, Separating the smokes and our Cats.

The smokes slowly takes form of a gorgeous woman, with silky, waist-length dark purple hair, with pale skin and dark eyes. She wore a black sleeveless dress with pearls on the bottoms that reached to her ankle.
Her face was on a smile, no. A smirk, an evil one at that.

"Who are you?!" Ukyo shout, pointing his sword at the woman.

The woman only laugh, before smirking, "My, you should know me, my dear shadow. I'm disappointed ~"

All of us looked at each other, confused. But then, a gasp startled us. It was Ocean.

"It's her!" He shout

"Who?! Who is she?! " I ask, clenching my staff.


"It is I" the woman interrupted, "The niece of Hectae herself, the great witch,"


Soldier of the other world [HIATUS]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα