story q/a!

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hello everyone! while i am currently busy working on something else gravity falls related that will hopefully be released soon (i'll definitely post it on here!), i thought i'd have a little q and a on here about anything!

you can ask questions about Escape From Reality, my life, tell me how your day is going, anything! i know not a lot of people read this book but i just thought for those that do, this would be sort of a way to get some small insider's information about upcoming things that might happen in future chapters!

one thing i want to ask of you before i leave you to your questions, i have a question for you! so obviously i have placed warnings at the beginning of chapters with sensitive content/mild language/suggestive content so that i don't have to label Escape From Reality as a mature story. however, the more the story develops, the more need i feel for more frequent mature language.

while i do understand there may be younger readers on this app, i also feel that, at the age that the characters are at realistically, they would swear every now and then and it adds more tension and dramatics to the plot in my opinion. so far, i haven't had any trouble with people calling me out for using language in my story, but i fear that eventually i will.

please leave your opinion on what i should do, i know it's my book but you are my readers and i want to make you all happy. thank you for taking the time to read this, please leave your opinions in the comments and continue on with the q/a!

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