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~Ginnys Pov~
Everyone had left so I decided to bring Lily downstairs to let her have some time outside the drawer.
I was slowly started to become so attached to her. I felt like I had given birth to her and that I was her actual mom. Even though I would never have sex with Malfoy.

I was hanging out with her in the sitting room, there was finally an empty couch for me to sit on but I sat on the floor in case my hands slipped. I didn't want to hurt her.

I looked down at her adorable face and placed a kiss to her tiny nose. She smiled once I pulled away, that smile tugged on my heart a little.

I couldn't believe I was a mother now! This was so exciting! I could already see my future with her. Her first steps, her first words, sending her to Hogwarts, her writing me letters telling me she was in love.
It put a smile on my face thinking about all these things.

But looking at her reminded me of my crush on Harry...and watching Harry fall in love with Draco. I wasn't in love with him any more thought! I had my beautiful Luna, but I knew there was always a place for Harry in my heart.

I looked down as the miniature Potter-Malfoy looked up at me with her big grey eyes. I frowned at the thought of Harry and Draco's big sad about her disappearance.

But I worked too hard for this moment. I've wanted a baby since I was in the second year! I knew I was too young so I wanted till my fourth year. I tried with Dean but later figured out I couldn't have a baby.

I broke my heart when I was told that, then when everyone found out the perfect Harry Potter was having Draco Malfoy's baby my heart broke even more.

I was so upset because of how bad I wanted Harry. Then I met Luna...her and I hit it off almost immediately and got together. Then Ron told me he wanted that baby. I told him I did as well and we started planning on how to get her.

Look where I am now. Sitting on the floor with a baby in my arms and she's Harry's. It was like all my past dreams came true, except this isn't the way I wanted them to come true.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard something at the door. I started to panic when the saw the doorknob rattling.

I quickly got up and opened the nearest closet.

"I'll come back for you baby," I whispered before closing the door and casting a silencing charm.

I quickly made my way back to the couch and threw myself on it right before they opened the door.

"Hello Gin! How was your time alone?" Mom asked walking through the door with bags of groceries.

"It was great! Thanks for asking!" I smiled back and got up to help everyone bring things inside.

~Molly's Pov~
After all my children helped me bring in all the items we collected from the shops they all went upstairs. I wasn't sure why but as long as they were out of my way.

I loved my children but when they were all downstairs Arthur and I can barely walk around!

I was putting all the food for the week away when I smelt a horrid smell.
I cocked my eyebrow as the smell got stronger.

"What in the world is that, Molly?" My husband asked from the couch.

"I'm not too sure...but I know I'm going to find out."

I started looking around the kitchen to possibly find something rotten. Without luck, I groaned and continued to look.

"What is that?!" I cried, still looking around.

I decided to follow the horrid smell, I followed it until I came across the living room closet. What in the world could be in there that smelled so bad?

I frantically opened the door and was shocked at what I found.
What I found was something I would've never thought to find locked away in a closet.

It was a small baby with curly black hair and grey eyes.

"Molly, what's going on in that closet? Did you find out what that smell was?"

I picked up the child who had tears coming down her face. She must have a silencing charm around her.
I picked up my wand and removed it just to hear the loud cries of her.

I heard Arther get up and walk towards me. I looked back and saw he had the most shocked expression I've ever seen.

"Is that her?"

I nodded my head and went straight to the living room to fix her up before calling my children down here to find out what was going on.

"So one of our children kidnapped their baby?! What in the world were they thinking?!"

"I'm not sure, Arthur."

I finished cleaning her up and cradled her in my arms. She was so small and adorable. I hadn't seen her before this and I couldn't believe how much she looked like Draco.

I smiled at the sight and continued to admire the small child in my arms. I've had this moment so many times but this felt so much different. I was almost like a mother to Harry so this felt like I was holding my grandchild.

She smiled up and me and giggled as I brought my finger to her face. She grabbed my finger with her small hand and held it as tight as she could.

I sighed, "KIDS GET DOWN HERE!!!!"

The baby in my arms. started to stir a bit as I screamed for my kids. I quickly held her tighter and calmed her back down.

I quickly put on an angry face as I heard the loud creaking I'd the stairs.

"What's going on, mom?" Fred asked as he came down first.

They all followed with the same question as they reached the last step.

"Get into the kitchen immediately!" Arthur scolded as everyone came into the kitchen.

"What in the world is this?! Why was this child locked away in a closet?! Why is she even here?!"

Everyone looked at me in confusion, I groaned and showed the child to all of mine. All of their eyes went wide as the looked at the baby I had in my arms.

"Fred, do you have any idea why this child is at my house?"

"Of course not! I'm not crazy enough to take a child from the hospital!"

I could tell her wasn't lying. I wouldn't think of Fred in that way but I needed to question everyone. I'm going to be able to find the lair.

"What about you George?"

He shook his head no, "I'm always with Fred, there's no way I would be able to steal a baby when I was with my brother the entire time."

I shook my head and looked at Ron.

"Ronald, do you know about this?"

He didn't look at me the way Fred and George did. In fact, he didn't even look at me. I asked again but this time he looked at me confused.

"Ummm, no I have no idea why that child is here." He seemed a bit nervous at my words.

I nodded my head and look at my youngest child.

"I have no idea! Harry's my best friend! I would never steal his baby!" Ginny was playing with her hands and I could see a trail a sweat run down the side of her head.

"That's all I need, the rest of you go upstairs." Everyone tried to go upstairs including Ron. I grabbed him by the arm with my free hand.

~Ron's Pov~

~Ginnys Pov~
Word Count: 1382
Publish Date: July 29
Hello, y'all! I feel like this chapter is confusing....basically, Molly finds the baby and asks all her kids about it. She sees how nervous Ron and Ginny are and catch them🙃
I just realized this is the 2nd chapter I haven't had Draco and Harry talk or have a Pov...Ion really like that...

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