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There they go again. Whispering. Harry and Hermione have been whispering a lot lately and I couldn't help but get mad. I was Hermione's boyfriend and Harry was my best mate! How dare they keep secrets from me.

"Excuse me," I said walking up behind them "but why are you always whispering! Why can't I know!"

"Ron, I promise it's not about you. I just don't want to tell you yet, I will tell you soon though. Please understand."

I just rolled my eyes and walked away. I was so tired of this! Every time I ask them Harry says the same thing 'I'll tell you soon'. What if it was about me! What if it was about Hermione cheating on me or something!
They didn't just do this in the dormitory they did it at all meals, in the halls when harry was getting pale looking like he was going to vomit. They were keeping a huge secret from me and it wasn't fair.

"I'm going on a walk."

"Be back soon Ronald."

Yeah okay.
I was walking the halls minding my own business when I bumped into...Malfoy. The last person I wanted to see.

"Watch it, Malfoy!"

"Well, what a pleasant surprise. Weasley."

"Well, what a pleasant surprise. The boy that fucked my best mate." I crossed my arms and watched as his face went red.

"Weasley, shut your filthy mouth! It was a one night stand! Plus we were drunk! You best not go around telling everyone!"

"The only reason I'm not is because Harry is involved! I don't want that spreading around it would ruin him! He isn't gay like you Malfoy!"

"IM NOT GAY! It was a one night stand!" Malfoy shouted, his face a deep shade of red.

"Sure Malfoy. I'll be on my way. Stay away from Harry, Malfoy."

I started to walk away but of course, he couldn't just leave it there.


I couldn't believe that guy. Dicking down my best mate, what is wrong with him!
I still couldn't help but wonder what the whispering was about. Did Malfoy give Harry an STD?!?!? Oh god. What if that's it. I mean it has to be! Why else would they be whispering so much!
You know what else I still wonder. Who Harry had sex with after Malfoy. I think it was Malfoy but apparently, it wasn't, well that's what Harry likes to claim.
I walked for about 45 minutes then decided to turn around and head back. Maybe they were ready to tell me.

I walked in and was greeted by Hermione saying, "Ron. Harry is ready to tell you."

"Harry, I already know. I know you had sex with Malfoy twice in a row and he gave you an STD."

Their eyes went wide and they started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" I snapped putting my hands on my hips.

"Mate just sit down."

I did what he asked and sat down across from them. Whatever it was they had to say it was important.

"Okay, you can't freak out."

"What's going on."

"Ronald, quiet down and let him talk."

I crossed my arms and slouched on the couch.

"First I would like to say that Malfoy was not the one I had sex with 2 weeks ago, he was only a one night stand after the party."

"It's true Ron."

I nodded with my arms crossed.

"So the reason I've been getting so because... I'm pregnant."

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