After Party

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It's been a couple of weeks since that party and I still cannot believe that I slept with Potter! Out of all people why him! You know what was fun though...messing with him. Like in class when I started humping the table in potions! You should've seen the look on his face! Oh, he was so mad!

You know something, I remember every single thing that happened that night. I made Potter my bitch.

I remember he couldn't even walk, that's why we had to stay in that room, that I thought of. Damn, now that I think about it, sex with him wasn't even all that bad. You see I'm about as straight as a circle, but nobody can know that, so I still dick down girls. Girls just can't give me that same pleasure a boy can. Boys are familiar with what I have, girls just have a hole. A wet hole. It's just different and I like how boys go down.


Ever since I came back to the dormitory looking like a sex monster Pansy has been up my ass about who I had sex with. Like she won't leave me alone, why is it any of her business!

"Come on Draco just tell her so she'll shut her trap!" Blaise yelled from across the room.

"Pansy. For the last time! It's none of your business whom I had sex with. I mean ,yeah, it was good, but I'm still not telling you."

She huffed and puffed and slouched on the couch.

"But Draco! Maybe I can pull her!"

Pansy and I have this thing. You see Slytherins go around fucking everyone so it's no surprise I started so young, but Pansy and I fuck whoever the other one fucks. Pansy is bisexual and can pull any girl she wants. She's turned many girls gay but I highly doubt she'll want Potter in her. She leans towards girls anyway.

"Trust me, you don't want them." I chuckled

"but what-"

"Pansy! No!"

I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. She really wasn't going to give up. I mean why does it matter! I get that she goes after everyone I fuck around with but come on.

But I really did enjoy that, the way his abs felt underneath my fingertips, the way our tongues dances together, the way he moaned as I thrusted. Oh, it's was perfect. I don't think I've had better with anyone else. Just because the sex was good doesn't mean I like the fool! What if we became fuck buddies. Damn, I would fuck him every night!

It was dinner once again and the same rich foods appeared in front of us once again. Caviar was good but who wants to eat fish eggs every day? I know I don't.
I looked up at the Gryffindor table like I normally did and saw what looked like Potter becoming paler by the second.
That boy kept getting sicker and sicker as the days went on.

"Draco, what girl are you looking at now?"

"Blaise, shut your mouth. I'm not looking at anyone!"

Pansys eyes met Dracos, "Please, Draco."

"Pansy! I said no! It doesn't matter who the hell I dicked down! All that matters is that I enjoyed myself!"

Our little section went quiet. Everyone was looking right at me like I just planned to take over the school with my dad's fellow deatheaters.

"Get on with your life!"

They all went back to eating and talking as I continued to watch potter look like he was finna pass out. You know that would be pretty funny.

"I'm goin...i'm going to...ahhhh...wait ahhhhh... I n..need st..."
"don't you d...dare st...stop."

The memories of that night flooded my head. Not now! I wasn't close enough to a bathroom or my room!

"I'm going to...going to..."
"just let it...o...out I'm"

Fuck. Fuck that night was so damn hot.

"Draco why are you shifting like that? Are you okay?"

"Blaise I'm fine! Just leave me alone!" I felt my face go deep red. Why of all times would this happen now!

Every time I have sex with someone memories always flood back at some point. Sometimes it makes me hard, like now, but most of the time it's boring and feels like I'm watching porn.

"Since we are...are stuck in this room. Lick it off. All of it."
"You heard me Po..potter."

I felt my pants go tight. Yeah no, I gotta get out of here. I grabbed my bags and held them so nobody could see anything.

"Draco, where are you going now?"

"I gotta piss! Damn! Can't I get a little privacy!" I stormed off not wanting it to look like anything was up. The moment I stepped foot outta that room I made a run for the closest bathroom.
I locked the doors and went as far back as I could in that bathroom and sat on the floor. I did this all the time! I didn't want to jerk off! I do it all the time, I wanted to stop doing it so much.

"I need... I need..."
"I know what you need, Potter."

"are you sure you want to *hiccup* do this?"

"don't...don't tease me....please...i...i need this."

"I need you... I need you to....god, just move faster..."

I spilled after a couple more memories. Goddamn. I hated Potter so much but he really could ride.

I cleaned myself up and went back to my room. Blaise was asleep but guess who was awake and waiting for me.

"Draconian Lucius Malfoy! Where have you been!"

"Pansy, it's none of your business."

"Well, will you at least tell me who-"

"PANSY NO! I will not tell you anything about my sex life! It doesn't matter who I was with after that party. That is my business! Leave me alone about it, Pansy Parkinson!" I shouted and stormed off. I can't believe her!
I mean I get why she wants to know so bad but I already told her no!
I got ready for bed and tried to fall asleep, but that damn fucking nerd kept popping in my head!

"I'm goin...i'm going to...ahhhh...wait ahhhhh... I n..need st..."
"don't you d...dare st...stop."

Draco Jr does wonders. Probably the best dick Potter will ever get. I couldn't help but wonder why he looked so off today. He was extremely pale, he threw up every damn day, like what fucking disease does he have.
You know he kinda deserves it for letting Granger and Weasley find out we had sex! That's not their business, it's Potter and I's. He better not let anyone else know, I'll kill that nerd if he tells anyone else.
the chapters are going to start to get less sexual I promise but there are future ones
Word Count: 1193
Publish Date: May 7, 2020

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