[1.0] The Girl and the Shadow

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~ The Girl and the Shadow ~

The Braewood Forest, Ithivia
The year 2034 post bellum
Two days before Summer Solstice

After living her entire life as a maid and a spy-in-training at the Acesra mansion built deep in the Braewood forest, Aryial was accustomed to gruelling work.

But she had never, ever walked so much in one day. It was because she had simply never travelled this far away from home.

Home. She guess it did count as her home, though the entire grounds, the gardens, the ponds and the hundreds of rooms were all built for one Fae child. A child who was no longer a child, but a man, well into his twenty-third year.

His shoulders were broad as he perched regally upon a stallion in front of her, listening to his tutor talk about current politics of the City. Aryial smiled softly at her unlikely friend.

As if sensing that she was thinking of him, Ivan turned his head subtly to the side as if admiring the trees, but Aryial saw his eyes flicker towards her, she saw the slight tensing of his jaw as he resisted cracking a small smile.

Small chunks of conversation could be heard from the entourage of staff. What was the reason that Ivan got called to the city? Since the entire household and all its staff were accompanying him on his journey, they could only assume that he would be permanently staying there.

Most of the conversation had died out during the first part of the journey as the group had grown tired. As tired as Aryial was, everybody else was so much worse. For some reason, Aryial was unnaturally fit.

She winced when her shoe met a root, causing her to stumble quite ungracefully. Mother above, she hated this.

They came upon a clearing, empty save for a throng of birds singing amongst the treetops. The group was signalled to stop for a rest, and everyone started unloading their packs. Aryial simply plopped hers on a patch of grass.

The warmth of the day wrapped around her like silk while the sunlight trickled through the trees in splintered rays of gold. Every so often, a breeze would wave by, rustling through the leaves on trees towering above her in reverent serenity.

The afternoon was nice, it was perhaps four tolls till dusk and Aryial might have enjoyed just being outside if she wasn't so bored.

Near the centre of the clearing, Ivan sat on a velvet cushion, advisors and tutors surrounding him like mermaids, trying to barter for his favour while educating him on his roles as the High Lord of Winter's youngest son.

At least, they were trying to, but Aryial saw how Ivan's eyes often flickered over the blackberries, elderberries and mulberries growing wildly in the bushes as if he wanted nothing more than to rid himself of the tutors and pick some berries instead.

As his eyes flickered to the bird above him, his fingers unconsciously pried a piece of bark off the log at his feet. Aryial studied him as he skilfully stripped the bark until it became long and slim with a pointed end. Ah, that was why he looked distracted. He wanted to paint.

Deciding to do him a favour, Aryial rose her feet and adjusted her rumpled shirt. She had time to kill before everyone was finally rested enough to continue their journey.

Her hair was hot to the touch as she used a strip of cloth to tie it in a simple bun above her neck. When Aryial was young, she had hoped that her hair would change to be the same colour as the icy blonde of Ivan's hair. He often wore it out, the tips falling to brush his shoulders.

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