Back to London.

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" Yes... As much as I want you right now, I don't want our first time together to be here... with my parents around," you wince.

Tom nods, his face flushing, " I second that," his eyes rake over you, and he lies back down, biting his lip.

" Tom don't do that, you look so sexy," you groan.

"What?" he chuckles, his arms going under his head, biceps flexing involuntarily " I didn't mean to, I was just looking at you, because you're so fucking sexy," he smolders.

Fixing your bra, you hop off his lap, and lay down next to him. Your heart rate slowing down as you look into pools of chocolate, " You mean so much to me Tom," your hand brushes his cheek.

"You mean so much to me too," he says smiling softly, hand going over yours. Lying back down you both watch Harry Potter and try to ignore the sexual tension between yourselves. You know that if things get heated like that again, you'd be breaking your own promise to wait a while before having sex with Tom.

After a while the day passes by with you both, laughing and joking with each other. Every now and then you look at Tom, admiring his gorgeous face, trying not to think about his return to London. Later that night you both have dinner with your family. Laughing and bonding, over a delicious homemade lasagne and salad. At one point during dinner your mom looks at you and mouths, I like him, whilst Tom's deep in conversation with your father.

After dinner you check your phone, which you haven't looked at all day, because you've been distracted by Tom. You discover fifty missed calls from your best friend, and multiple messages. Crap.

You call your best friend back, and they're in hysterics. You hadn't turned up to college that day, and they heard on the news that 5 Sawyers had blown up, so they thought you were in hospital or dead. You apologize profusely, and relay everything that had happened since the night before. They're dumbfounded and in awe that you have powers and that you're Toms girlfriend.


It's now two days later, and Tom has to return home to London. You wake up before your alarm, laying there in the darkness, your chest hollow and raw. Sighing, you flip onto your back and stare at the ceiling, trying to ignore the pit in your stomach. You think of Tom; his laughter so cheerful and infectious; the way he looks at you, chocolate eyes molten; his smile that sends your stomach on a roller coaster; and finally you think of how he's always been so kind, funny, and strong. Why did I have to fall so hard for Tom Holland?

Your eyes sting with hot tears, and they trail down the sides of your cheeks. Face crumpling you bury it into your pillow. Why couldn't he live here? Or I live in London? Why does the most amazing guy live in another country? You curl over, clutching your aching chest, feeling like a part of yourself will soon be missing. You give yourself this moment, because you haven't had the time to process or think much about the fact that Tom will be leaving. After a while you sit up, wiping the tears off your face, dreading the trip to the airport. It's not forever, he said he'll come back. With a final sniff, you head into the shower and force yourself to put on a brave face.

It's funny how time moves quickly when you don't want it to, because the trip to the airport passes by in what feels like the space of a few blinks. One minute you're in the shower, the next you're driving along the dark freeway, and now you're here at the airport. Harsh lights beam overhead reflecting off white polished tiles, coffee from a nearby café teases your nostrils as people wait in line to check in their luggage. They talk in hushed voices, as some vague announcement repeats over the speakers. Tom's standing in front of you, his warm hands in yours. You try to burn this image of him in your mind, in dark jeans and a white shirt, his cologne sweet and intoxicating. You look up into his gorgeous face, his eyes look so sad that your heart plummets to the floor. You blink furiously, trying to ignore the sting in your eyes. Don't cry! Be strong! This isn't forever, he'll come back.

Tom moves closer to you, cupping your face with his hand, "Y/N... I don't want to go."

You close your eyes, placing your hand over his and leaning into his palm, " I don't want you to go either."

" I... I'll really miss you," he croaks.

" I'll miss you too," your voice breaks. His bags clatter to the floor as his hands cup your face, lips crashing onto yours. A tidal wave of emotion hits you and your arms wrap around him, clutching him tightly, because you know this'll be the last time you'll hold him for a while. His kisses are urgent, and your belly melts into something fiery and molten, filling with need. Breathless, you break apart, staring at each other. After a moment he leans in, pressing another kiss onto your lips, soft as a butterfly's wing.

A clipped voice over the speakers announces that first class boarding has begun for Toms plane. He looks behind him to the gate, where a family in sophisticated clothes steps towards it. He turns back to you his face filled with anguish, throat working. You force a smile on your lips, for him, " It's okay, go. The next two weeks will pass by in a blur... We can Skype... Promise me, you'll let me know as soon as you land," stepping forward, you hold his hand one more time.

" Of course Y/N," He steps forward, arms enveloping you in a final hug. You hold each other a while, relishing the warmth and closeness. A final call for first class, echoes over the speakers. Reluctantly you both pull apart. Tom steps backwards, eyes never leaving yours, " I'll let you know as soon as I land. I'll speak to you soon, Y/N." You give him a wavery smile and nod. He turns around, and you watch his retreating back, feeling like your heart has left with him. 

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