|Chp1| Family Reunion

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Stiles pulled up outside the Gilbert house in her beat up baby blue jeep, she turned off the engine and grabbed her duffle bag and backpack (yeah yeah she knows she hasn't got a lot, no need to bring it up) before exciting the car and walking up the the front door and knocking loudly.

After a few moments of silence the door swings open and her favourite cousin Jeremy (sorry Elena, it's just how it is) is standing in the open door way.

She walks inside and shuts the door behind her before turning to Jeremy and hugging him tightly.

"Dudeeee I missed you so much" stiles said, her words slightly muffled from where her face was buried in his shoulder, "me too man, me too" Jeremy said before releasing her.

Stiles looked around for a moment before speaking up " hey where's elena?".

"Kitchen" he said then walked off to go play videos games ( well she's guessing anyways).

Stiles walked into the room to see elena standing there frowning at her phone.

"Hey cus, you alright?"
She looked up at the sound of stiles' voice and a grin over took the frown on her face before she flung her self at her cousin and gripped stiles tightly.

"Omg stiles when did you get here?"
Elena said after she stopped hugging her.

"Just now actually, finished saying hey to jer then decide to grace you with my presence"

She laughed before softly hitting stiles on the arm.

"I'm going to go set up camp in the guest room"

"Ok don't be long we're going to the Grill later"

"Okie dokieeee"
Stiles walked up the stairs before making her way to the guest room and flinging the door open and throwing herself down on the bed,
She decided to go shower and change into a pair of simple but super comfy cloths (don't judge she's been in a car all day)

"Okie dokieeee" Stiles walked up the stairs before making her way to the guest room and flinging the door open and throwing herself down on the bed, She decided to go shower and change into a pair of simple but super comfy cloths (don't judge she'...

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~ ^^^Whats she's wearing. Just without the bag and coffee cup obviously oh and no sunglasses either. ~

Before unpacking her stuff into the draws and closet.

After stiles was done with all that she made her way down the stair to see her cousins ready and waiting for her at the door.

"About time Jeez"
Jeremy said in a fake annoyed voice with an eye roll.

Stiles punched him in the arm,

They left the house and made there way to stiles Jeep so they could drive to the grill.

Whatcha think? Please tell me if you don't like something or Iv gotten something wrong or even if you want me to add anything! Just agh I get so nervous when posting ficsssss!

Not such a bad thing ~fem!stilesWhere stories live. Discover now