The others jumped up out of their chairs chatting amongst themselves as they tried to not run out of the conference room.

"Gabe, a word please?"

I paused while reaching for the things I had left at the table looking over at Jonathan as he wore his coat. My gaze then slid over to Janet who looked at me as if I just got called to the principal's office.

He followed my eyes also. "She will meet you in a moment, this won't take long. You will still get over there before the news crew."

Janet bobbed her head as she looked back to me smiling once again. She took up her own items then left out giving me one last look of encouragement before disappearing down the hall.

"Is that helping?" He said suddenly bringing my attention back to him.

"I think so, I think I can feel a slight buzz creeping up on me." I start to laugh, but it died out before it could really begin under his gaze.

"Are you feeling okay?"

I smile at him. "Yeah, why?"

He looks at me seemingly unconvinced. "You looked like you were on an emotional rollercoaster over there in the corner. Not to mention, you have been going around like a zombie at times." I wince a little at hearing this. "You don't have to tell me what it going on in your life if you don't want to, but you should talk to someone. I have had my moments and I know for a fact that it causes things like bad dreams and insomnia. I know the others joke about it and I have said this before, but you really are my favorite, and it pains me to see you having a difficult time. That is why I told David that I would send you with Janet, maybe it will help to take your mind off of whatever is bothering you."

I look at him for a moment in disbelief. I was definitely expecting a lecture, not this. "I don't know what to say. I have been trying to not let things from outside of work bother me at work, but because I haven't been sleeping all that much, I have been loosing that battle. I am trying to work out a plan to get over what's bothering me and being able to look forward traveling to Florida has helped a little; I hope being down there snaps me out of it. I want to be one hundred percent again. I haven't been this low since my teenage years."

He smiled a genuine smile as he came to stand in front of me. "You will. It might not seem like it, but everything will work out and get better for you." He laid a hand on my shoulder his expression becoming stern. "Please make it a priority to get some rest. You may be my favorite, but that doesn't mean I won't fire you and replace you with someone who's willing to stay awake at work." With that, he walked around me toward the exit. "Oh," He called over his shoulder, "Your TSA clearance badge has arrived, pick it up before you leave today." Then he was gone.

"Yes, Sir!" I called after him then gathered my things so that I could meet Janet.

"Did he yell at you?"

I swiped my fare card and stepped through the opened doors. "No, I was surprised. He did threaten me in typical fashion, but no, no yelling."

"That's because you are his favorite, anyone else would have been tossed out on his ass. Oh, and it also helps that you are the face of the company."

I smiled at this as we walked down the escalator and onto the platform. I was glad it was finally warmer out it was a bit freeing to not have so much stuff with me when riding the train.

"Maybe. I still feel so bad though. I was up at practically four o'clock this morning and that after awaking several times before because of the weird dreams that I have been having. It's been like this for over a week.

Janet rolled her eyes. "You have been stressed out ever since you got engaged. I don't even think that I want to know you once you get close enough to the actual day." She stopped and looked over at me. "Which is when, by the way? Have you even taken the time to pick a date yet?" I must've looked guilty because she shook her head while clicking her tongue. "Are you ever going to?"

"Ian wants to do it in December when all the guests would freeze their asses off."

"So December then?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I guess, maybe?" I grunt. "It's a big decision, okay?"

She held up her hands in surrender. "Sure, I guess."

The wind in the tunnel picked up signaling that the train is coming. The familiar horn sounded and not long after, the first car whooshed by us. We entered once all the other people had exited.

"Listen," She said as we took our seats, "You might think you have all the time in the world, but the sooner you finalize a date, the sooner you can look for a venue and caterers and get the best price. You know just as well as I do, that December is a busy month in the event planning industry, so if you want to get married then, you are already late for everything. I never even had the chance to tell you about all the trouble my sister had and she and her husband did everything in a month! When I think about the tears and the fights..." She shivered a little but laughed a moment later. "They were crazy anyhow demanding to be so traditional with the timeline, those two deserve each other so much. I suppose that is why it all worked out for them. If you want, before you leave for Florida, I can take you around to some of the places I went to with my sister. That way, you can at least start to get a feel for it. I bet his mom already has stuff planned. Does she?"

"She might, I haven't really spoken to her about it yet." I admit.

She made a face. "Well if that is what you want, then I guess it is fine, but it will be hell if you decide to not give her everything that she wants."

"Now that you have said that, maybe I should just let her do everything. It would certainly take some of the heartache- I mean stress out of it. All I would have to do is show up." I said laughing but then I froze under her bewildered stare. "What?"

"Who are you? Are you sure that you're okay?" She asked reaching up to feel my head to, I suppose, check for fever. "The Gabriel I know is not that kind of girl. The Gabriel I know would petition Versace to create her a couture gown in some flattering color because she wouldn't have it any other way!"

I laugh genuinely feeling some of the weight of my problems melting away. Perhaps Jonathan was right?

"The Gabriel I know would want her wedding held at the chicest of venues because the entire industry was going to be in attendance."

"You are correct, I guess I should stop being a slacker about this. Versace will need some time to work on my gown."

"So just what exactly is holding you up girlie?"

I want to wait for the day that I wake up from this terrible dream where the man I love is scheduled to marry someone else.I give my best clueless face. "I don't know." I lie.

"Well then it is settled, starting tomorrow, we will start making the rounds. And who knows? If you pout at Garren just right, he might help you two with the venue. You did say that he thinks of you as his baby sister, right?" I nod. "So get on that then, that way, we can start checking out the classier places too. I can also get my sister to give you any planning books she has. She was saving them for me, but I told her not to hold out for me. It's going to be a while before I will be ready to give up this job and lifestyle."

I turned to her. "Wait, would you have to?"

"It would be expected, yeah, especially if I married someone my parents want me to marry. They don't approve of my career choice anyways. I told my sister she was lucky in that aspect. She was able to find her husband during her residency program, they went through the same physician assistant program together, and she was in the class ahead of his."

"Oh yeah, I remember you telling me that."

She nodded. "Anyway, the chances of me having the same luck, well you have seen what is out there in our line of work. They are either fabulous like your friend Greg, taken like Kai, or is more into womanizing at this point in their life."

I feel a momentary pang at the mention of Kai's name. "Well I hope the person you find is open minded and not so traditional, because I do not see you leaving your job anytime soon and you shouldn't have to take whatever comes along either."

"Girlie, you and me both. I think I am going to drag you along to the next family dinner at my parents." She says and we both laugh. "No, really. What you've just said is what I have been saying, but coming from you? They might just believe."

Suddenly, There was KaiWhere stories live. Discover now