"He's with Thomas," I answered before Newt could snap at him. "But I don't know how he's going to get him out. I'm just worried about Brenda. You guys don't think she'll betray us like that?"

"Probably not. The she-bean does have a thing for him."

"So does Teresa and look how that bloody turned out," Newt sneered at the end.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't remind me. I haven't forgiven the witch," I said. "And I don't think I ever will."

"Well, if this is your great escape plan, then what should we do about those two?" Minho asked as he motioned to the two guards. I was about to answer when we heard the door jiggling. "Great, something like this would happen to us."

I glared up at him. "How about a little help over here?" I snapped as I tried to drag the guards' bodies towards the desk.

Newt and Minho rushed over and grabbed each guard. I pointed towards the bottom of the desk as I grabbed the helmet and placed it over my head. They shoved the guards under the desk as the door opened. They hid the Launchers on the back hem of their pants before raising their hands. I had my Launcher pointed at them as Rat Man came in. Oh, great. It had to be him. But...he does have a key card. Maybe if we get it, we could meet up with Tony and Thomas and get the hell out of here.

"What's the meaning of this?" Rat Man asked as he motioned to me and the guys.

"They were trying to escape, sir," I said. "They're very stupid thinking they could get past me."

"Oh, we're the stupid ones," Minho said with a roll of his eyes.

Rat Man tsked, "How many times do I have to say that your plan is nothing but pure idiocy? You'll realize it too once you get your memories back."

"We don't want them," Newt sneered.

I glanced at Rat Man. "What do you want me to do with them?" I asked. "Just give me the word and I'll blow their brains out."

"That's not the only thing you blow," Minho muttered under his breath. Rat Man didn't hear him but Newt and I did. And with the way Newt was glaring at him means he didn't like the comment either. And Minho got lucky I'm undercover or else I would have slapped him.

"There's no need. As soon as Thomas is done with his procedure, these two will follow his example," Rat Man said.

"How can you be so sure?" I asked.

"I'm for certain."

"No." I shook my head. Time to make my move. "How do you know this isn't another setup?"

"These two aren't smart enough to pull something off."

"They're not," I trailed off. I spun around and kicked Rat Man on his knee cap. He grunted as I grabbed his shoulder and forced him to kneel. One hand on his shoulder while the other held the Launcher against his head. "But I am."

"What are you doing?" Rat Man asked as Newt and Minho walked over. I took my hand off his shoulder before taking my helmet off. His surprised expression changed so now he's sneering at me. "Danielle."

"Ok, I'll make this short because I don't like repeating myself. Give me your key card, then get on the ground, hands on your head," I demanded. Rat Man didn't move. I pushed the Launcher towards his head "Do I make myself -"

I was stopped short when the door burst open. Tony ran inside with his Launcher high in the air with Thomas and Brenda following him. Thomas's eyes widened when he saw the situation we were in.

"I thought we were coming to rescue you guys," he said. "Looks like Dan's got it covered."

He finished with a light chuckle but it died down when Newt stepped in front of me and glared at Thomas. If this were any other situation, I would have told Newt to stop because this is getting out of hand. I'm pretty sure it's the Flare that's making him like this but...he practically sneered at his best friend.

Always and Forever》Death Cure (TMR)Where stories live. Discover now