Start from the beginning

though, you did pause the training every once in a while to check up on your plants and see if they were alright.

sadly, that was the downfall of your quirk.

you were powerful, that was for damn sure. but you also held great empathy towards everything.

especially when it came to your plants.

bakugou had noticed way earlier into the year how your plants where almost human like. like your plants were almost like a  different being instead of just a simple quirk. it was odd, but like many things about you; he respected it.

hell he even helped you water them back to life once your training session was over. simply because he knew how much they meant to you. nobody messed with a plant moms babies. even he knew that.

mineta had set one of your plants on fire once, and katsuki had a front row seat of your deadly aura and pissed off face. it even scared him, to see your thorny vines come shooting out of your back like nothing and suffocate the little shit until aizawa came.

the tired man only sighed out and gave you some more fertilizer and pots to help you take care of the injured plant. even aizawa had a soft spot for you.

but hey, he couldn't blame him.

now, wiping the sweat from his face he shivered at the memory of your vines shooting from your back, tearing through your shirt as the usual normal thorns now a glowing red, sharply hooked at the ends. who knew the cutie from 1-a could be so hostile.

it was kind of hot, or atleast he thought so.

"why are you smiling like that suki?" your brow was raised, and his eyes trailed over your exposed and glistening skin in the sun. you two had just finished from training, both sweaty and messy looking; so why did he find you so attractive right now?

"hello? anyone in there?" you let out a small laugh, hand clapping against your mouth at the blank yet goofy look on the blondes face.

he glared at you, hoping to whichever god was up there that you wouldnt notice the blush rising up on his face.

"shut the fuck up and train with me more often."

was this his way of trying to spend more time with you? well, yeah. you were the most worthy person to train with him besides kirishima anyways.

your quirks didn't match in the slightest, yet you both somehow found common ground in excelling each others stamina and pushing on your weak spots. he didnt mean to sound like an asshole, but then again, katsuki never properly learned how to showcase his emotions very well.

nevertheless, you gave him a sweet smile, "of course! i wouldnt miss it!" truthfully, spending so much time with the ash blonde hot head was peaceful.

atleast to you that is. katsuki didnt treat you like some fragile little china doll. he recognized your drive and power, and he acknowledged it. and that alone was something that brought a sense of comfort to you. you couldn't imagine bakugou treating you all soft like deku or kaminari, or anyone else from your class for that matter.

"oh..we're already here.." katsuki didnt fail to pick up on the disappointed tone in your voice, and he unknowingly smiled. not bothering to actually speak in case he said something he didnt want to, he settled with a simple hum of agreement.

there was silence, and it seemed like you were in deep thought. he wanted to ask, but he figured he would seem nosy, and he wasn't going to be seen as nosy from someone like you.

without uttering a word though, or even a simple 'bye', you entered your room and slammed the door shut. bakugou stood in his place for a few seconds biting his lips harshly, because what the fuck just happened.

the hot head turned around, hurt clearly visible on his face. he shoved his hands into his pockets, angrily stomping down the hall. he could feel the hurt in his chest, and it traveled down like a brick into the pit of his stomach.

whatever, if you didn't want to talk anymore than fuck you, right. you didn't deserve him anyways. bakugou didnt need you-

"hey suki! hold on a sec!!" oh thank god.

snapping his head back, crimson eyes watched you jog up towards him, a cute little pot in your hands. he glared lightly at you, watching as you gave him a heart melting smile in return despite the angry look he gave.

"here, ive been meaning to give this to you," you handed him the pot, and bakugou took notice of the small healthy looking plant nestled inside the soil.

gently, he took it from your hands; feeling your soft skin made his heart race. but he was still careful not to drop the plant. y/n l/n never just handed out her plants like nothing. so it was safe to say he would pretty much treasure the plant for as long as he could.

he had been taking care of your garden for a while now, so how hard could a little succulent be? right??

you scratched your cheek shyly, "after our phone call, you mentioned you didn't really have plants in your room," you let out an embarrassed laugh, "just thought you'd appreciate the liveliness is all," taking in a shaky breath, his hands gripped onto the pot tightly.

"thank you," it was a quiet mumble yet you still picked up on it. and to katsuki bakugou's surprise, he got to witness the pink blush spreading on your cheeks, and the flowers beginning to blossom from your hair.

he grinned, holding the plant closer to him than before as he watched you squeak out a small goodbye before practically running back into your room.

with the rare image still fresh in his mind, bakugou walked with a smile the whole way back to his own room. his fingers unknowingly stroking the plants leaves delicately.


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