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Even though I slept late last night, I wake up early in the morning. I just stay in my mother's bed, doing nothing, but only thinking about how things became like this. I could have never imagined that Minah felt this way about me.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings, but I ignore it and don't move from my place. I guess my mom, who had already left the bed and was in the kitchen, opens the door.

After a few minutes, I see her standing in front of me with an unsure expression on her face and I look at her confused.

"I'm sorry, I thought you needed someone to speak to", She says as I notice Mark walking behind her.

I get up on my elbows to complain, feeling annoyed, "I told you I want to stay alone".

My mother just shrugs her shoulders and leave me and Mark alone.

"Ugh...why can't she ever listen to me?", I exasperate as I let myself fall back on the mattress.

"Because you also never listen to her", I roll my eyes at Mark's observation.

He knows that right now I hate everyone and I don't want to have any conversation with anyone, but he still approaches me and stands beside the bed so he can look at my face.

"What?", I ask, looking up at him.

"How do you feel?", He questions with his hands still in his jeans pockets.

"Like shit", I reply and he chuckles a little bit. "I'm not telling you a joke. And this is all because of you." I point out, not wanting to blame him for anything but I still do it unintentionally.

"Yeah", He sighs, "You're right, I'm sorry".

"That's not what I meant", I get up and sit, trying to correct myself as soon as I notice his face saddening.

"No, you're right, this is all because of me", He concurs. I shake my head as I grab him by hand to make him sit on the bed in front of me to let him know that's it's not his fault, but he continues to blame himself. "If only I had the courage to admit my feelings for Haechan then all of this would have never happened to you." My eyes widen a bit at the mention of Haechan. It's not that I wasn't aware of what happened between the two boys in the past, but I thought that it was nothing serious. I thought that they were just two curious teenage boys who wanted to experiment with things.

"Y-you like Haechan?", I know exactly what he meant by 'feelings' but I still decide to ask for confirmation.

He nods first and then replies "Yes", with eyes looking down at his hands that were resting on top of his thighs.

"Did you tell Minah?", I query.

"No, you're the first person to whom I'm telling this."

"Are you planning on telling her the truth?"

"I-I mean I wasn't, but after last night I think I will" , The boy confesses.

"And what about Haechan? Are you going to tell him how you feel about him?", I wonder.

"I don't know", He sighs deeply and I give him a hug, understanding that this situation is not easy for him either.

[Time skip]

The doorbell rings again after a few hours and my mother is the one who goes to answer it. Even though I'm in the living room, close to the main door, I don't hear the person's voice because of the TV and I don't bother to lower the volume. This time, when she closes the door and comes back, I don't see anyone else behind her and I start to wonder who was she speaking to.

"Who was it?", I ask her as I pause the TV.

"No one", She replies and walks back to the kitchen.

The way she answered was strange, so, I know she was lying. I decide to verify the person my self and peek out of the window. To my surprise, I see Lucas, who's sitting back on his bike and just by looking at him my heart racing. He turns back to look towards my house and I quickly close back the curtains.

Even though I want to see him and hear his voice, I'm scared that the reason behind his presence here might be his sister, maybe he believes her and he also thinks that I'm coming between her and Mark.

Now that I think about it, I understand why my mother lied to me about Lucas. Last time, when he came to my house, he broke up with me and my mom witnessed everything as she watched us from the window. Even if I didn't exactly tell her what happened last night, she might have guessed that it involved Lucas.

Lucas' Pov

Last night, when we got back from the party, Minah locked herself in her room. I was so angry at her that I wanted to leave her there alone, but at the same time, I was scared that she might do something to herself, so, I knock on her door until she lets me in.

I try to convince her the whole night that maybe she has mistaken because the Swan that I know can never do anything to hurt anyone, but Minah doesn't listen.

In the morning, I tell her to go with me to Swan's house and apologize to her.

"No, I won't go anywhere until I speak with Mark", She states.

"Can't you see, the boy doesn't love you", I exasperate, feeling extremely annoyed by her obsession with Mark.

"He does love me, it just that Swan is manipulating him against me", She cries.

I shake my head as I sigh deeply.

I decide to still go and visit Swan to apologize for Minah's behavior and everything that I did in the past. So, before leaving, I ask Dorota, who's our maid and nanny since childhood, to keep an eye on Minah since our parents aren't at home.

When I arrive at her place, her mother is the one who opens the door and I start to feel more nervous since she's a bit intimidating.

"Good-evening", I smile at the lady but she just stares at me with a blank face. "I'm Lucas, Swan's friend", I try to make her remember me, hoping that she doesn't know about how I and my sister have treated her daughter.

"I know who you are", She says with a cold tone which and my mouth forms an 'O'.

"I was hoping if it's possible to speak with Swan?", I ask.

"No you can't", She answers with a poker face and I look at her with surprise, not actually expecting her to be so direct.

Before I can say another word, she closes the door on my face and ends the conversation with "Have a great day".

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A/N : Your comments give me motivation and more energy to continue writhing, so, thanks a lot everyone.💚💚💚

And don't forget to stream Punch!!! 🌱

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