f r e e r i d g e

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So im moving to Freeridge and i dont know how to feel about it. My mum said its the best thing for me to do to move to a small town which not many people know about, especially since i was trying to hide from my crazy dad who was also a mafia leader. 

My mum wasn't going to live with me, she said it was safer that way, if i didn't know where she was. I was going to live in my own house all by myself and probably never see my mom again in my life: fun. I knew nobody in Freeridge. My mum told me that she would deposit $1500 in my bank account monthly, but that's all. 

I was sitting in the back of a black jeep which took me to my new house. It was a four hour drive and i was asleep for most of it. I woke up in the last 20 minutes. I looked out of the window and stared at the 'Welcome to Freeridge' sign. We went even further into town. It wasn't very big, but i was fine with that. We went past a few walls with 'PROPHET$' spray painted onto them. As we drove further, I saw it everywhere. Then it hit me, it was probably the name of some sort of gang. Every small town had them. I prayed that we would drive further away from it but we just went closer. I realised that I would probably be living on the 'PROPHET$' property. So much for getting away from violence. 

The car slowed down as it drove into the driveway of the house which was apparently mine. 

It wasn't that big but it wasn't tiny either

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It wasn't that big but it wasn't tiny either. And, it was mine. I sighed when I saw the car parked outside. I had told my mum that I wanted to pay for my own car. It was a black Range Rover. I guess that was also mine. I didn't want to sound ungrateful but I had no idea where my mum got the money to buy all of this, and i didn't really want to know either. 

The driver motioned for me to get out of the car, and I did, holding my phone to my chest. I was all alone in this. My stuff must have already been in the house. I entered and it wan't even that bad. The kitchen wasn't tiny and neither was my room. I didn't have many things other than clothes and shoes. 

It was 7pm and I wasn't really that tired. There was a wall across the road which i could see from my bedroom window. I wasn't really surprised to see 'PROPHET$' written on it in dark green paint. 

I decided that since i had nothing else to do, i would explore the neighbourhood a bit. I put on a grey tank top and shorts (picture above) and a black coat because it was gonna get cold. I took my phone with me and looked for the corner shop. A girl needs snacks. 

A walked around for like 20 minutes and got lost. Of course this was gonna happen. I was probably infront of some drug dealers house. I walked around for another 20 minutes, getting even more lost. I didn't even have data. 


Okay i'm actually freaking out. Shit shit shit. Where tf was i? It was getting dark now. I carried on walking. My eyes started to sting and i bit my nail to stop myself from crying. This was how i was gonna die. 

I heard footsteps and turned around quickly. There's nothing there, Tiana. Stop scaring yourself. I was just being paranoid. I started speed-walking, hoping to find a shop or something. I heard footsteps behind me again and I turned around. 


But i still heard it. I didn't turn around but i backed away. I hit something- someone. "So-sorry i didn't see you" i stuttered and turned around. There was this cute ass boy standing in front of me. "It's fine" he said, "why you walking around the streets at this time?" he said taking a step towards me. "I-i got lost and i have no idea where i am and-" i started rambling. I could tell that i looked terrified and his face softened. 

"You new?" he asked. 

"Yeah, I moved today." I managed to say. 

He chuckled, "aight i'll take you home, where d'you live." 

I pulled out my phone and opened up my notes. I'm pretty sure i saved my address onto there. "Uhh" I said opening it up. I could feel his eyes staring at me and i suddenly felt really self-conscious. I showed him my phone and he took it from me, our fingers slightly brushing. I don't know why, but it sent chills down my spine. 

"K we'll drive," he told me. I was tired and didn't want to argue. I followed him to his car and he held the door open for me. It smelt like perfume and a bit of weed. I was down with that hehe.

He got in and started driving. I looked at him and, okay, i know i already said this but he was mad cute. He caught me staring and started smirking. I blushed and immediately looked away, staring at my blank phone. 

"Whats your name" he asked, looking at me.

"Tiana" I said, still not looking up.

"Pretty name. I'm Latrelle" okay. WAIT. DID HE CALL ME PRETTY? 

No Tiana Chill. He called your NAME pretty. 

I started biting my nails, he got me anxious. He pulled up outside my house. "You live on your own?" he asked. "Uh y-yeah" Why was I stuttering?

God, Tiana. Get a grip.

I looked up and saw him staring at me. I bit my lip, like i always did when i got nervous. I watched as his pupils dilated. 

We were staring at each other for a good minute before i realised that maybe he wanted me to get out; that's why he was staring at me. "Umm, i should go. Thank you Latrelle, for driving me home," i said, not wanting him to go. 

"Dont worry bout it. Lemme get your number," he said. 

Okay, wait, WHAT? Did he ask for my number? AHHHDBWKUGYJDWKUY. okay, chill Tiana.

"You know, just in case you get lost again," he said smirking again passing me his phone. I wrote my number into at and saved myself as Tiana . He took it from me and i watched as he added an emoji next to it: Tiana👀 

I couldn't stop myself from blushing. "I'll speak to you later shorty," he said smirking and drove off.

Shit. So, that just happened. I didn't realise i was still smiling until i went to sleep. 

Author's Note

Hey Guys, I'd appreciate it if you voted on this chapter and left a comment since it would really motivate me to frequently update. Tell me how you feel about the story so far and what you want to happen, i read all comments ;)

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