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There's just something about him.

What is it?

I am still trying to figure it out.

And how's it going so far?

Not so good. You know, sometimes you know everything, you're sure about things but at the same time you know nothing. You're confused.

Uh huh, is it what it's like?

Yes, it is. He's like the world to me. As in, the world is a beautiful yet a dangerous place at the same time.

I'd very much like an example.

If you look at trees in the fall, they look mysteriously beautiful with all their branches spread out and exposed. But if you see deeply, they're just mourning over the leaves they lost. Maybe their branches are just praying for the sweet spring because they want to go back protected under the wig the leaves make.

Makes sense. What's he like?

You know when there's heavy rain pounding at the house, you're scared. Because the rain seems so passionately angry that it'll rip through your house, make the walls fall down and join in with your tears until you can't make out what's what. But then, when it goes away, when the sky calms down, the  scent of the mud wafts in the air as if it's trying to make up for the damage. And you smile, because it's just so heavenly and lovely. That's him. He's peace and madness. He's the centre and calm of the storm at the same time.

How do you deal with him then?

Deal with him? Honey, I do that to him. And that's how I know it's real.

What side do you like the most of him?

Both, because he'd be incomplete without any of them. You know it's a good book when it makes you smile and bawl your eyes out too. You know it's a beautiful view when you get lost finding it. Every thing about him is special to me.

How can you be so sure he's special to you?

Because sweetheart, he's the only person I spoke to the sky about.


And just like that in a single lazy conversation, she taught me what love is.

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