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"It's like a dream you know?"

"What is?"

"This moment. Right here. Right now."

"What's so special about this moment?"

"Nothing. And that's what makes it so special"

"How so?"

"Can't you feel it? It's so comforting. The evening sky. Just look up, isn't it like the clouds are trying to tell you a story. Close your eyes, inhale the summer scent."

"No, I think the clouds are just passing by, minding their own business "

"Really? Look at that big one. You see it? It kind of looks like a horse, doesn't it?"

"Where? I don't see it."

"Right there. See? Wave to the cloud!"

"Wave? What are you, five?"

"What does it have to do with my age? Oh, look an aeroplane!"

"Um, so you get excited about everything?"

"What's wrong about it?"

"Well, nothing. It's just that these things, clouds and airplanes are common, you see them everyday."

"Excuse me for having an active imagination. And anyway, these things are too common, agreed. But that doesn't give me a reason to not think about the endless stories the clouds tell me, it's so animated! And aeroplanes ? Remember when you were four and everytime it passed over your head you stood up and waved because you thought people in there could see you?"

"Yes, but I am not four anymore."

"True, but it still doesn't change the fact that there are people in there."

"But they can't see you."

"Why would I let that matter?"

"Hm, so what else do you do? Wish for something everytime an eye lash comes down?"


"What do you wish for?"

"This. A normal day."

"That's it?"

"Yes, that's it. My mom's at the café, my dad's at school. I have a croissant in my hand and look, no one called me to say that someone I care for died."


"A normal day isn't that normal. It's something that everyone secretly hopes for. They don't even know it!"

"Yeah, hey, look! That cloud looks like a bear."

"A bear? Wait. Yes, it kinda does."

"I understand what you mean now. The Earth has music for those who listen."

"Did you just make that up?"

"No, Shakespeare did."

"Shakespeare knows it."

"Yes, Shakespeare knows it."

And from that day on,
Whenever I stare up at the sky, I secretly wave to the clouds and even manage to strike a small conversation with them. Still working on that, honestly.
And about the airplan- oh wait! An eyelash!
What do I wish for? Hmm..

Just another normal day.

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