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Flint was on the Yacht Harbor, he owns a yacht, just the small one. He was sitting inside and just staring at the sea. He gets his phone and called someone.

"Hello, secretary Smith. Please do me a favor. I want to know about Zoe Adams"


Days were passing and Zoe enjoyed working at the cafe, she's now close to every employee, even to Duncan. With Flint, they're slowly getting closer, he drives her back to the hotel after work, he doesn't have to do that but he does, his body wants to and he don't even know why.

Everytime Zoe shows a smile, he just got stuck, everytime they're together, he just felt calm and comfortable. And he can't help but to compare it to what he feels with his girlfriends, maybe because he never intended to make Zoe as one of his girls.


Flint and Zoe were at the Yacht Harbor, sitting at his yacht, and staring at the beauty of the sea.

"May I ask, where are your parents?" Flint asked and glanced at Zoe,

"They're abroad" Zoe said, her face gets serious,

"Do you have communication?" He asked, she shakes her head and showed a little smile,

"Why?" he asked, Zoe took a deep breath before answering,

"I stopped calling them" she answered, he didn't ask again after noticing that it's not a comfortable talk to her.

"Let's go. It's getting late" Flint said and stand up, he helped Zoe out of the yacht.

As he dropped her at the KINGS, he was left thinking. The information that he got about her does not include her parents, and he's wondering how is her relationship with them.


Zoe was left thinking too, she was contemplating if she would message her parents or call them. It's been a year since she last talked to them.

She was bothered and didn't stop thinking, she tried to calm herself by looking outside the window. And after a while, her hand reaches for her phone and searches for her mother's number. It took her a while to finally write a message to her mom.

"Hi Mom, it's been a while. I'm sorry for not contacting you. I'm wondering, how have you been? Is my brother doing great? I really miss you guys. Please tell Dad and Nikolai that I miss them, and you too Mom. I love you all"

She sent the message and lie down on her bed and a little nervous. She's worried that her mother would not reply and would be mad at her. She gets up to make a coffee and tried to calm herself.

Her phone lights up, she gets it and almost jumped at her seat. Her mom replied.

"My Chloe, you don't have to worry about us, we're doing good. Your brothers doing fine, he takes care of our company and he always ask about you. He misses you, Chloe, we all are. And you don't need to apologize my girl, we understand, we're not mad, not a single bit. I hope you're doing well, mom wants to see her little girl again. I love you"

Zoe teared as she reads her message, she misses them, she wants to hug them. But maybe she can do that some other time. It's enough for her to talk to her mom again, she also felt excited to tell her that she's working at her dream cafe, and even tell her about the man who helped her and what he did for her.

Her mom gave her her brother's number and she immediately messaged him,

"Hey, Nikolai. How are you? Hope you're missing your little sister."

"And what happened that you just messaged me now? When are you going here?" It saddened Zoe, her family is also having a hard time being away from her,

"You know my answer about that. And some thoughts just lead me to message Mom and you"

"I think I'll just visit you there often. How's life? I'm the one handling the company here, and Dad wants to have partnership with a businessman there, so I think I will be there soon. And I'll visit you"

"And I hope you already have a girlfriend by now"

"Who said I have a girlfriend? Sorry, I can't find someone here. Maybe you have someone"

And that put a thought on Zoe, she suddenly think of Flint which surprised her.

"No. I don't have someone"

"As you say so."

The siblings talked for a bit since it's already late. Zoe felt happy, she talked to her parents, and to her brother. This might be the best night in her life after starting to live this life on her own.


Zoe's family lives in New York, they have a clothing company that was being managed by their son, James Nikolai Wilson. Just like what had said about her family, they were one of the richest family at the town before leaving for New York, leaving Zoe alone by her wishes.

Why do Zoe's parents call her Chloe? Did she changed her name? What is the reason?



Flint was at his house on the mountainside, he's alone. He wants to think, and be by his self. Tho he knows that he was just helping Zoe, he was questioning himself why did he help her in the first place? Why did he do all those things for Zoe? Why is he always stuck looking at her when she smiles? Why is he losing interest to date and flirt with other girls? Why is he feeling like this ever since he met Zoe?

His mind was full of questions that he himself cannot answer. He's confused, his mind's a mess, he can't think straight. And even now, Zoe was in his mind. He don't even know why he can't erase the girl inside his mind.

"Why am I becoming like this? I am a playboy, a bad boy, why am I being stuck thinking about that one girl? Why Kenzo?" he mumbled and try to look at the sky hoping to find the answers, but the only thing he sees, is the moon that's lighting up the night, the darkness.

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