Fine i guess we will loose our innocent baby jin said pouting while jungkook gave him a look but soon smiled

Well his innocents yes but he is still a baby to be specific my baby so its gonna be fine plus jimin already ruined his innocent from the beginning

Alright then i guess lets start jin asked


Tae was still there sitting comfortably as he held his bunny pillow when they started to torture lisa

Jimin walked forward her first

Tae who cheered for his best friend

Go jimin-ah!!! Tae said as he cheered for his soulmate and jimin who smiled and cheered back a thanks

Jimin went forward her smiling like a psychopath

Hmm.. i remembered you called my soulmate a faggot didn't u? you know what i felt when u said that i felt so angry that i could cut your neck of but that would be so easy for u to die so I'm giving you back what you once called my soulmate u bitch

Lisa stared at him scared as she screamed for help jimin smirked and got a knife he went closer to lisa who was shaking in fear then jimin scrapped and dug the knife deeper forming letters in Lisa's skin and formed a word FAGGOT in her forehead, arm legs and a big one in her stomach making her screaming in so much pain as he cried and cried the pain was so much

Tae who was beyond shock at what his best friend did but soon did cheer for him and cringed of how it must hurt when jimin did that but he didn't felt bad for lisa after what all she have done to him tae will never feel bad for a bad slut person like her

Jimin smiled proudly then looked over taehyung's direction seeing him showing a boxy smile at him then clapped making him feel more proud as he smiled to his eyes that were gone

Ahh it hurts!! let me go!! Lisa shouted

I really like my work it looks perfect on a bitch like u don't u agree taehyung-ah?

I like it jimin-shi tae smiled

You fucking bastard what did u do to my body ! I'll kill u and u all! Let me go!!!! Lisa shouted still in pain

Aww u don't like it? I think it looks great though jimin said with a grin in his face

Nice job babe u really outdid yourself i like it yoongi said as he smirked at him then jimin smirked backed

Thankyou babe jimin said as they give each other a peck

Who's next yoongi asked

Me! Jin shouted


wow poor lisa that must hurt a lot but she deserves it she made me cry and separate us kookie said tae mentally

Then tae heard yoongi ask who is next jin raised his hands and walked forward making tae smile

Go eomma tae said

"Thankyou sweet heart"

Jungkook who was besides tae watching his boyfriend tae cheer for them like they weren't even torturing lisa

Are u enjoying babe? Jungkook asked as he went besides tae and kissed his forehead tae who smiled

Yes kookie! I've never seen this before its so cool! Did u see what jimin did wow i never thought he could look scary but cool at the same time tae said as jungkook smiled at him

I'm glad u like it babe i thought u would've hate us for killing and torturing people jungkook said

Of course not kookie its so cool i really like your work though kookie i don't want you and hyung's hurting an innocent people ok? Only bad guys and girls who flirt with u tae said as jungkook chuckled  

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