Taehyung sighs. "Fine. But after this, I'm not letting you get away with anything."

"Good. Can I have my phone now? I want to organize to meet up with my friends."

"Sure. Only because you've been so good for me."

"What? They're not coming here. I'm going to the shops with them."

"I've changed rule 2. Whenever you're gonna hang out with people, you have to tell me first."

"But that's not fair! You don't need my permission to be with your friends!" Jungkook crosses his arms.

Taehyung chuckles. "Well maybe you should find a way to make me stop wanting to fuck you then."

Jungkook blushes. "Just give me my phone and get out. I've seen enough of you for one day."

"Fine." Taehyung gets off Jungkook's bed and hands him his phone. "Nice dick pics by the way." Then he leaves.

"I'm so going to murder him one day." Jungkook says to himself.

Jungkook lays on his bed and opens his phone. He then texts his two best friends.

Jungkook: hhhhey guys wanna go to the shops

Jimin: hell yeah

Seokjin: are you ok Kookie?

Jungkook: I just had my roommate come into my room and fuck me in the mouth but apart from that I'm all Gucci 👌

Jimin: oop

Jimin: did it taste good


Jimin: 🤐

Seokjin: Jungkook, baby, are you actually ok? Did you give consent?

Jungkook: I think so?

Jungkook: he just told me to open my mouth

Jungkook: so I did

Jimin: Damn Kookie did you give good head

Seokjin: Jimin I will literally beat your ass if you keep going with this

Jimin: go on

Jimin: I dare you

Jungkook: guys stop getting off topic

Jungkook: so he kinda put his dick in my mouth

Jungkook: and can I just say his dick is really big

Jungkook: like

Jungkook: gigantic

Jimin: did you gag

Jungkook: yeah a lot

Jungkook: he kept hitting the back of my throat and it kinda hurt

Seokjin: Did you tell him that it hurt

Jungkook: no...


Jungkook: jin chill

Jungkook: I'm fine

Jimin: what else happened

Jungkook: I kinda took control

Jungkook: and he came in my mouth...


Jungkook: and then he came on my face and he took a picture of me cuz I looked hot

Jimin: so do you think he likes you?

Jungkook: no way

Jungkook: he did say that he wants to fuck me

Jungkook: but there's no way he likes me as a
normal boyfriend

Seokjin: why tho

Seokjin: he literally did all that stuff to you

Seokjin: and you think he doesn't like you?

Jungkook: he's taking advantage of my gayness

Jungkook: he's nothing more to me than an annoying bully

Jimin: this conversation is getting boring

Jimin: when should we meet up?

Jungkook: at 5pm today?

Seokjin: omg that's in like half an hour I need to do my beauty routine

Jimin: great let's meet at the water fountain

Jungkook: sure

Jungkook turns his phone off and starts getting ready.


I was supposed to upload this part this morning but I was really busy. I'm so sorry for the late-ish update

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