I Can't Take My Eyes Off You

Start from the beginning

She leans in closer "You must care. You must care about everything that's wrong in the world, and have a need... a desire to fix it. But not only that..." she leans in even closer, until we shared the same breaths. "You must have conviction. You must not let your guard down and let your clients or anyone else attack you mentally. You must establish boundaries and not let anyone walk all over you." she grins viciously. "I know you're capable of all of that. I've seen it. I see the lawyer that you're destined to become."

I bite my lip, as I scan her eyes, which revealed her honesty. She meant every word that she had said. "Let's go out to eat." I said, changing the topic.

"Will you have time for it?"

"Yea. My test isn't until 2pm." I walk over to my vanity, grab my keys, and tilt my head towards Jennie. "What would you want to eat for breakfast? You can decide."

"I'm kind of in the mood for Korean."

"Korean?" I laugh as I pick up my keys and purse. "You've never changed, have you?" I playfully punch her arm before reaching out and grabbing her hand. "Let's go."


"What would you like to eat ladies?" The waitress says as she waits for our orders.

"Hmm. Well, I didn't actually look at the menu yet." she laughs nervously. The waitress smiles as she waits for Jennie to finish her thought. "I knew I was in the mood for korean, but I didn't think about what food exactly." she bites her lip before curving them into a smile, showing her bright and gummy smile.

She laugh at Jennie's predicament, and smiles along with her. "Take your time! You did only just get here. It's partially my fault for pressuring you..and the last thing I want is for my customers to feel pressured. So please, don't be!"

"You're fine." I laugh, finally speaking up. "But I do know what I want to drink." I point at the Shirley Temple on the menu and continue with, "You can bring me one of these bad boys and give Jennie a sprite. And by the time you back, I'm sure we'll know what we'll want to eat."

Jennie nods in approval and reaches over to pick up the menu and hand it over to the woman. Their hands touch for less than a milla-second, but I could still sense the spark that flowed between them within that moment.

Jennie jerks her hand away quickly. What was that?

The waitress noticed Jennie's sudden shift from her usual alluring self to an uncomfortable and tense one, but holds in the part of her that wanted to frown.

"Sorry..." Jennie speaks as she tucks her hair behind her left ear.

"It's okay..." she responds, assuringly, though her eyes told me otherwise. She was clearly a bit hurt by it. "Jennie..." she clears her throat as she awkwardly stands there in front of us, for probably a bit longer than a waitress should to take ones order "...is a beautiful name." she finishes.

Jennie smiles once more and thanks her for the compliment.

"Oh! My name is Lisa." she laughs awkwardly. "I knew I forgot something. My name... I forgot to tell you my name."

I watch intently at the fiery conversation that went on between Jennie and Lisa. Lisa seemed weird and awkward and...

"Well I think your name is quite beautiful itself!" Jennie hums


My jaw drops slightly, and Jennie closed the gap for me by lifting chin up.

"Thankyou!" Lisa hums as she skips off, leaving me in confusion, and maybe, in a bit of...jealousy? But what do I have to be jealous for? Jennie isn't mine, nor do I want her to be. I mean we're just very close and clingy best friends... we're like sisters. And that's all I want from her. Nothing more, nothing less.

I Adored You (Jensoo)Where stories live. Discover now