Annapurna: Where did you go? Did you not want to come and meet us even once? Did we become strangers to you that soon?

Sanskar: Sorry Badi ma.

Annapurna: It is ok. Now leave it and come inside. Dare you think to leave us again.

Sanskar was about to step inside, when a voice stopped him.

Voice: Stay where you are. Did you forget why you left this house? You have no place here. You may leave.

Everyone turned to find Durgaprasad there. Durgaprasad was stern and looked expressionless. Ramprasad, who was standing next to Adarsh a little away form Durgaprasad, had tears in his eyes. No matter what, he loves his son a lot. He doesn't want to lose him again. His Bhaisa's decision scared him. He decided to stand for his son for the first time.

DP: What are you doing here? Did you forget why you left this house? Let me remind you. You wanted to get married to a Bengali girl, because you love her. You didn't think once about our reputation. You left us for a girl. Then, why did you come back? Where is your wife? I can't find her anywhere. Did she leave you because she didn't love you? Or did you leave her?

Sanskar, who was silent till then, got very angry. He can handle anything, but not questions about his love for Kavitha. Kavitha was a pure soul and didn't deserve to be bashed by anyone.

Sanskar: Bade papa, I came to meet my family. If you don't want me to stay here, then I won't. I have always loved Kavitha truly. I would never think of leaving her consciously. Similarly, my Kavitha loved me a lot. She didn't leave me. She was forced to leave this world. She was murdered by her mother on the day when we were supposed to get married.

Everyone, including Durgaprasad, were stunned. They didn't expect this. Durgaprasad truly felt bad for Sanskar. He wanted to hug him and console him. But his pride and prestige blinded him like always. He couldn't allow the son, who left everything for a girl, inside his house. Ram and Sujatha were feeling very bad for not being for Sanskar when he needed them the most. They felt that they failed to protect their son. Everyone else also felt bad for Sanskar. They knew how much Sanskar loved Kavitha. They also knew how much he would have been hurt. They could not imagine his condition at all. Everyone was teary-eyed. Ram looked towards Durgaprasad, to find him still emotionless. Ram decided to intervene and make Sanskar stay back.

Ram: Bhaisa, please allow Sanskar inside. Please Bhaisa. He is all alone. He needs us. He is not even married to that Bengali girl too. You always say that, we must forgive the person who realizes their mistake. My son has realized his mistake. Please forgive my son Bhaisa.

Everyone stood shocked. Ram, who has never said anything against his brother, is asking his brother to take Sanskar back inside the house. None of them expected such a day to come. Sujatha's happiness knew no bounds. Ram has finally done something for her child, even if it is by begging in front of his brother. She always felt that Ram might even leave her and her children for his brother. But he proved that he loves his family a lot.

Durgaprasad had never expected Ram to beg him. No matter what, he loves his brother a lot. Durgaprasad decided to forgive Sanskar for his mistake. Even, he loves Sanskar a lot. But, if the question is about reputation, then Durgaprasad becomes blind towards others.

Durgaprasad: Alright, you can come inside Sanskar. I hope you won't disappoint us again. Sujatha, do his aarti and take him to his room.

Sujatha's happiness knew no bounds. She always hoped for this day to come, but felt it will never come true. God had finally listened to her prayers. Sujatha did Sanskar's aarti happily and pulled him inside. Sanskar met everyone and then retired to his room. That night, Sanskar slept happily after meeting his family.

Sanskar's return filled the house with happiness. Everyone was shocked when Sanskar confessed about him being SM. Sanskar had also mentioned that he preferred working in Karma than anywhere else. Durgaprasad was fine with it. He didn't want Sanskar's intervention in his company. He knew well that he will lose the power of his company. Unlike Ram, Sanskar cannot be controlled by anyone. Sanskar was always the person who does what he wants. This characteristic trait of Sanskar forced Durgaprasad to rethink his decision of merging the companies.

Three years passed. A lot of things happened in these three years. Sanskar was happy with his family and his profession. Sanskar had a peaceful life with his family. Sujatha never pestered him about marriage. Sanskar had stated that he will marry only when he wants to and only to the girl he wants to. Everyone was fine with his decision including Durgaprasad. Durgaprasad had changed for good in those three years. He realized that his caste blindness spoiled many lives including the life of his nephew.

He realized this slowly when he met the parents of the children who were either killed or who eloped for their love. He was not able to understand where he went wrong until he had a heart-to-heart conversation with Ram. Ram successfully made his brother realize that reputation comes second to happiness. Durgaprasad apologized to Sanskar for indirectly spoiling his life. Durgaprasad's change brought a betterment in the lives of everyone in the house. He allowed Pari and Uthara to work, which made them very happy. Pari was working in Maheshwari Industries, while Uthara was doing her final year.

Sanskar was also faring well professionally too. Karma Industries was now in No 1 position in Asia. It has branches all over the world. Maheshwari Industries was not lagging behind too. It reached a No 2 position in India by the hard work of Adarsh, Pari and Laksh, who were continuously guided by Durgaprasad and Ram. Durgaprasad and Ram had retired from office and took up the duty of baby-siting Aradhya, the daughter of Adarsh and Pari.

Swara was also faring well in her field. The Rockers band became quite famous all over India. They have also worked for a few films too. They have also fared well in personal life too. Shravan and Jannat were married off with the blessing of their families after 3 years of dating. Sumedh and Manusha had also started dating. In fact, Manusha's grandparents know about their relationship too. They wanted Manusha to marry him sooner. But Manusha put her foot down stating she wants to know Sumedh more before tying the knot. Vishal and Swara are still single. Uthara has been having feelings for Vishal, but hasn't had the courage to confess it. However, Vishal has no idea about it. Swara hasn't realized her feelings yet.

Sanskar realized that he has feelings for Swara with the help of Vishal, Sumedh, Jannat, Manusha and Shravan. He was initially reluctant to accept his feelings. But Kavitha convinced him to move on with Swara. With Kavitha's acceptance, Sanskar decided to go ahead with the relationship and ask Swara out. But Sumedh stopped him asking him to wait till Swara realizes her love. Sumedh was given the task of convincing Swara about her feelings in which he was quite bad. No matter what he said, Swara always misunderstood it. Manusha decided to talk to Swara looking at Sumedh's struggle. But before that Maheshwaris reached the Gadodia house with Laksh's proposal for Ragini.

Swara always hid away from Laksh. It was yet to be seen if history was going to repeat itself or not.



Sanskar and Laksh get down their car to enter Gadodia house, while they are stunned to find a modern girl standing there.


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