Get out

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That's about when I find the kids, I grab Grover from his reverse deer hunter thing and Annabeth from her world building and I stop Percy from bungee jumping indoors they all complain like whiny brats as I drag them out.

   That's when I realized that even though we weren't doing much for long we had been in there for a grand total of five days just great one day left to complete the quest. It's like every procrastinators worst nightmare having to save the world at the last minute, who do you call? Not me!

"We only have a day left?!" Percy and Grover yell out shocked as we get out of the casino dramatically like their world just crashed down.

"We have to finish this quest yesterday." I reply running to the parking lot. Let's see we need a big truck right now I see an eighteen wheeler with four seats in the front and a big cargo box with a ramp for cars. Almost impossibly perfect I get in with the kids in the back and Medusa gets in the truck with me and I drive away fast before anybody tries to catch us.

I lower the ramp finding the car my dad got me and I drive it inside with the kids before we make our way out of there. We open the small window at the back of the driver car so we can hear the kids talk.

We drive to Los Angeles within the next few hours passing a sign several minutes ago that said 'CALIFORNIA STATE LINE, TWELVE MILES'.

The kids are talking behind us and the only thing I really get out of it is that Hades might not have been the one who stole the bolt. We get to the Santa Monica pier by sunset and Percy goes into the surf for a minute before coming back with nothing but three white pearls and he doesn't even know what they do.

   That's when I let Medusa drive us to the underworld she may not be from there, but apparently monsters can sense where it is on instinct. We find the place and it says in black marble with gold letters 'DOA RECORDING STUDIOS'.

   The kids go inside and we wait for them out here I'm not sure why but I have a feeling that I shouldn't go down there. Then in the morning wouldn't you guess it, I sense them coming back up... through the ground? I drive and follow them to Santa Monica pier where they appear in the water somehow.

   That's when I meet them there and Percy immediately says "Your dad is an asshole."

  Seeing that he may have a reason this time I let it slide when suddenly I see someone that is confusing me the more I look at her. One second she looks like a younger version of my mother, then Medusa, Najenda, Esdeath and many different incredibly beautiful women I've never seen before. Then I sense that this... woman is giving off a divine presence and she has the same vibes coming off of her as the scarf Annabeth picked up... Aphrodite.

  Somehow tied at her feet was my dad wrapped in celestial bronze chains with 'Eta' on the padlock. These chains seem to have him quite stuck and his powers are seemingly completely restricted. "Wait what?" Percy and I ask looking at the spectacle.

  "You ruined my present Perseus Jackson! That bag was supposed to be a gift for my beloved!" Aphrodite yells in a fury.

  "Wait the backpack I got from Ares was yours?" Percy asks shocked.

  "What was inside was supposed to make him love me again, but you had to go and ruin it didn't you?!" She yells out.

  "Wait the bolt being in the bag... that was you?!" Percy yells out shocked he must have thought something else, but wait the master bolt was in the backpack?

   "I know how much my darling loves his killing toys so I though why not get him the best one I could find and he'll take me away in his big arms and spend the rest of our days on Olympus together!" She yells like Percy just killed her favorite dog with an eighteen wheeler then backed up over it several times.

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