Bound In Ruins- Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

"How soon do you think that will be?" I asked honestly.

What did they think was to happen and how soon?

"We would definitely want for him to take complete reign within the next few months, just so that when time of his wedding, everything would be already in motion and he'd be already in the role of what was his since well, always." She replied.

"Mother, do you not know that these parties could be a little more lively with better music? Seriously what type of elevator music did you select tonight?" A lady with blonde hair stated.

"Ah, Adelaide. This is Sophia James, Sophia meet my daughter Adelaide." Veronica stated.

Reaching out my hand to shake, Adelaide shot me a sly smirk.

"You're Sophia?" She asked shaking my head.

"In the flesh," I responded.

Smiling devilishly, Adelaide was quick to respond.

"You're...." She stated looking me up and down.

"Not what I expected, at all." She replied.

Curious, I probed, "And what exactly did you expect?"

She sighed before responding, "Definitely not so, normal."


"No, this is good. This is too good. Here I was thinking over the last however amount of years that my brother was royally screwed with a posh girl to be stuck with, but boy this is different." She responded.

"I hope that's a compliment," I stated not actually caring if it was or wasn't.

Nodding her head she continued, "Definitely a compliment for you."

"It was nice meeting you, Sophia. I will see you around," She stated before whispering into her mother's ear.

Veronica nodded before waving an individual behind me down.

"Edward, come here." She urged.

Grabbing onto my arm, she walked me over halfway to her husband.

"Edward," She greeted.

"Hi sweetheart, who is this?" He asked curious, extending his hand out to shake.

Taking it firmly, I knew that this was just another person I needed to like me.

"This is Sophia James," Veronica clarified.

His eyes lightened, as if something had clicked in his brain.

"Sophia," He stated.

Nodding he continued, "What a delight that you've decided to join us today."

"Thank you for having me," I stated in response.

"Of course. We would have loved for you to come sooner but better late than never, am I right?" He stated chuckling.

"Right," I agreed.

Seems as if they had been expecting me for quite some time now.

"You look quite like your mother," Edward added.

"And so I'm told. Thank you, that actually means quite a lot," I responded.

"I'm sure you've had everyone in the room turn their heads today. A fresh new face and with a gorgeous gown like that, you'll be hard to forget," Veronica added.

It seemed as if my physical appearance had exceeded their expectations.

Hopefully my charm would too.

"What's a gown like this when you've all done such an incredible job with your foundation. I've heard nothing but tremendous things on your contributions to the local charities here in the City. I'm fortunate to hopefully be a part of such inspiration," I stated in response. They really were a giving company for a high end corportation.

With both of them beaming in response, I knew that my sweet talk was winning them over.

"We would love for you to join us tomorrow for dinner at our estate. Give us some time to discuss a few things and get to know one another better," Veronica stated,

"Oh absolutely. That's a marvelous idea, what do you say?" Edward chimed in.

Feeling my insides warm, I was relieved to know that they were open enough to welcome me into their homes on such early basis.

"Of course. I think that's a great idea," I agreed.

"It'll give you some time to also speak to our son who has been keen on meeting you," Edward stated shooting me a wink.

"Speaking of, there here is." Veronica added waving to an individual behind me.

"James," I heard someone say, sending shivers down my spine.

The low, husky voice that I wanted to forget.

Feeling my heart beat quicken, I turned around and was greeted by that sexy smirk that I wanted to slap out of my memory.

Staring at him, I let out my breath.

It was him.


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