Chapter 1

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Saturday Morning

Jihyo's POV

*chirp* *chirp* *chirp*

I let out a groan when I awoke due to the birds chirping outside. Can't those birds just let me sleep in peace? Like why are they always so annoying when you want them to be quiet?

I opened my eyes and instantly shut them again. A sense of vertigo had instantly hit me and I felt a sudden need to puke. Moments later, a massive migraine followed. It felt like the world around me was going to come crashing down on me.

After what felt like an eternity, I finally opened my eyes. The feeling of needing to puke and the migraine had subsided. I sat up and looked around the room. It then hit me that I was in a stranger's room.

"WHERE AM I RIGHT NOW?!" I panicked aloud.

I closed my eyes and held my head between my hands. I let out a deep groan as I started massaging my temples. I could not remember what the hell happened last night; it was all a damn blur.

"Come on, me, remember!" I yelled out in frustration

Someone's cough snapped me out of my frustrations. I opened my eyes and snapped my head in the direction of the sound. I saw a woman leaning against an open doorway with her arms crossed. She had a blank expression and I could not tell what she was thinking.

"You're finally awake," the woman said with a small smile.

I was shocked by the woman's reply. It then dawned on me what could possibly have happened last night. I then pulled the blanket up in a protective manner over my body.

"Who are you?" I questioned the woman.

The woman let out a chuckle before getting off the door and uncrossing her arms, "Relax. I didn't do anything to you, and my name is Tzuyu, Chou Tzuyu."

"How do I know you aren't lying?" I asked in a defensive manner.

The woman pointed at me, "First of all, it's usually customary to reply with your name after asking someone their name, but good morning Park Jihyo. Anyways, check under the blanket; you're still wearing your clothes."

My eyebrow furrowed in confusion. How the hell does she know my name? I shook my head before pulling the blanket over my head and confirmed that Tzuyu was telling the truth. I pulled the blanket down and let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh, thank god," I uttered.

Tzuyu chuckled yet again, "Anyways, I slept on the couch last night."

I gave Tzuyu a confused look, "What? Why?"

"I mean I had to carry you from the bar to my apartment. My room was the closest to the entrance, so I just plopped you in this bed and KO'd on my couch," she wiggled her eyebrows in a teasing manner.

All of my memories came back at the mention of "the bar". I went to the bar after catching Sana, the love of my life, cheating on me with a man on our anniversary day. She even had the audacity of doing it in our apartment and bed. I was so heartbroken that my feet took me to wash away my sorrows. Everything after that was kind of a blur.

I lowered my head so that my hair would cover my face. I could feel the tears starting to well up in my eyes. It hurt thinking about how Sana betrayed me. I wanted to let my tears fall, but I refused to do so with Tzuyu in front of me.

Tzuyu let out a bout of laughter, "I'm just kidding. I was just too tired to walk to my spare bedroom, so I lied down on my couch and just instantly fell asleep."

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