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Dabis head shot over to the source of the voice. He smirked when he saw Deku. He was growling loudly and his tail was swishing angrily behind him
"Hey Izuku~" He replied
Deku growled again and his ears went back. He heard the clicking of a trigger and dropped down.
"Damn it! You made me miss!" A girl whined from behind him
He jumped up and ran at her. It was the blonde girl, she was reloading a gun as quick as possible. He pulled out his gun and shot her. Right in the chest. She fell to the floor and he grabbed her weapons. Everybody was just standing around watching
"WHAT IN THE EVER LOVING HELL ARE YOU DOING?! MOVE!" He growled loudly grabbing a shotgun and loading it up
They all snapped out of there daze and the fight began. Deku jumped up from where he was collecting the girls weapons and dodged the knife being thrown at him. He growled and looked over to see the blue haired guy
"Oh your a feisty one eh?" He chuckled sinisterly
Deku growled and tried to run. The guy grabbed him by the neck and held a gun to his head.
"Take one move and I'll shoot." He said into his ear creepily
Deku growled and weighed his options. He knew that even if he did duck, the guy would still have an open window to shoot him. He decided to do the only thing he could.
Deku let out a loud howl and the guy was blasted back. A cloud of dark smoke surrounded Deku and started to disappear
"What the fuck?!" He growled
The smoke cleared and Deku stood. His ears were back and instead of one tail.
He had 4.
"Oh so your a rare one eh? That makes you even better to sell!" The guy said pulling out a knife and running at Deku
He growled and pounced forward. The man stepped out of the way just in time and Deku fell to the floor. He skidded for a second before pouncing once more. This time he successfully pinned the male. He had his hands on his shoulders and knees on his palms. He grabbed his knife and held it directly above his stomach
"I'll make sure you rot deep in hell" He growled slamming the knife down into his stomach
He screamed in pain before his body went completely limp. Deku stabbed him two more times in the arms before he stood. A bullet shot byhis tail as he stood and he jumped slightly
He looked towards the source and saw Dabi smirking. He was holding a gun up in each of his hands both aimed at Deku.
"Come on Izu~ don't you want to have some fun?~" Dabi asked, his sick smirk growing wider
He shot again and hit Deku in the tail. He whimpered quietly but didn't move from his spot. He held up the gun and aimed. He shot at Dabi who ducked just in time. Dabi charged at at him and pinned him to the floor. Deku struggled against him harshly but Dabi didn't let him move.
He laughed wickedly and pulled him up. He grabbed his neck and put the gun to his head. Deku growled loudly at him and tried clawing at his hands.
"How about you come back with us?~ And we'll leave them alone" Dabi said smirking wickedly
"How about you rot in fucking hell." A voice said from behind them
A gunshot went off and Dabi released his grip on Dekus neck and fell to the floor. He groaned in pain and held onto his leg. Deku looked back and saw Katsuki snarling at Dabi
"Get the fuck out of here while you still can." Katsuki growled
Dabi got up and limped out groaning in pain. The rest of the group grabbed everybody who was injured before they left. Deku whimpered and looked at his tails. One of them was bleeding and had a hole in it. He ignored the slight pain and ran over to some of the injured people.
He whimpered when he saw Shoto on the floor holding his arm and walked over. He saw him and smiled weakly. Deku sat in front of him and moved his hand carefully. He examined the wound and it was a long cut going down his arm. It wasn't too deep so it wouldn't need stitches. Deku whined sadly and his heart hurt. He was upset he couldn't protect his mates from getting hurt. His head dropped and his tails and ears drooped down
"Hey hey hey it's okay, I'm alright" Shoto assured quickly
He reached his good hand up and put it on his head. He scratched softly behind his ears. He brought his head up and snuggled his ears into his hands. He purred quietly.
Katsuki was currently helping the injured get to Recovery girl. He saw Shoto and had the other alphas take over the role of helping the injured. He went over to them and sat next to Shoto
"Are you okay?" He asked looking at his arm
"Yeah, it's fine. It's not too deep and it doesn't hurt very bad. But he doesn't look okay" Shoto said pointing to Deku
Katsuki was confused until he saw his tail. His eyes widened and he looked up at Deku. He showed no signs of being in pain and he was relieved but at the same time absolutely perplexed
"How does that not hurt?!" He asked pointing at his tail
"They're strong" Deku said whimpering a bit
He shook his tail until the bullet came out and they watched as the hole slowly closed. He whimpered quietly but he was perfectly fine otherwise.
"I'm going to check on the others... I should be able to help them" He said
He got on all fours and ran towards Mina who was sitting on the ground holding her knee. Deku sat in front of her and gently moved her hand. She was pretty badly cut and it was bleeding badly. He grabbed a wrap of bandages and a rag out of his pocket and started cleaning her knee.
He lightly dabbed the cuts being careful and trying not to hurt her. When he was done with that he wrapped it up and tied it
"You should be able to walk. That's just temporary until you can go to Recovery girl" Deku said softly sitting up straight
She smiled gratefully and he smiled back slightly. He helped a few of the other people who were hurt before moving on to the serious injuries.

After about an hour everyone was healed up and in the living room. Deku was sitting in front of all of them. They were staring at him and he was starting to get scared. He didn't like this at all.
He growled loudly and his ear went back
"What the hell are you looking at me like that for. If your planning on selling me or something, it doesn't work like that. People don't want omegas like me who disobey everything. Especially not since I'm stronger." He growled
"We aren't selling you. But we have to keep you safe. We have to know what the deal is with all the tails and what species you are. We didn't get any information like this from your parents." Katsuki explained
"My parents don't know shit about me first of all. Second I am a fox species. We are extremely rare and an omega is one of a kind for my species. I am a nine tailed omega fox. My tails have increased strength and are mostly indestructible. My hearing and senses increase and so does my physical abilities." He explained slowly moving his ears back to their original place
"Oh! I've heard of those! It's said that they are so rare that they are worth millions of dollars! It's almost impossible to find one, but if you do you have to earn there trust! I would never want to sell him though, he's so sweet!" Uraraka chimed in
"Even if you tried to sell me it would be very complicated. You have to go to the darkest web and find out where they sell others like me. I only know this because of what my parents taught me." He explained
"Okay. Jiro and Denki I need you two to go and get Momo to help you as well. Try to find out any info you can about the L. O. V and report back." Shoto ordered
The two nodded and ran off to the equipment room. Deku watched them leave before he turned back to the rest of them. The same smoke from earlier appeared around him and dissipated to reveal him with 5 more tails.
(Incase your confused, now he has all 9 tails out)
He shook them a bit and looked back up
"They're so pretty!" Mina squealed
"Yeah! They look so amazing!" Uraraka added
Deku nodded his appreciation
"I'm going to change. This is uncomfortable to wear with these. I'm going to have to adjust it." Deku stated
He turned on his heel and walked out. He walked to his, Katsuki, and Shotos bedroom and walked to the closet. He took off the suit and grabbed a big hoodie. He put all of his tails but one away and put the hoodie on. It went down to right above his knees and smelled like Shoto and Katsuki. He inhaled the scent deeply and his tail wagged.
He stepped out of the closet and into the bedroom. He walked over to the bed and curled up on top of the covers. He fell asleep soon after to the calming scents of his mates

After a few hours Shoto and Katsuki walked into the bedroom. The first thing they saw was their mate asleep in the middle of the bed wearing one of their hoodies. He was snoring softly as his ears twitched slightly.
They both chuckled and went to change. The both out on sweatpants and no shirt and climbed onto the bed carefully, trying not to wake Deku up as they moved him in between them
They failed though and he yawned rubbing his eyes with his fists
"What's going on....?" He mumbled tiredly
"Nothing Baby, you can go back to sleep" Shoto said softly rubbing circles on his waist from behind
Katsuki softly ran his hands through his hair and smiled when Deku leaned into his touch.
"Okay" He mumbled nuzzling his face into Katsukis chest
"Night puppy" Was the last thing he heard before he fell back into unconsciousness


TodoBakuDeku Mafia AU (Temporary Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now