2. Introductions

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I saw him and recognized him in an instant. His eyes widened and it didn't take an idiot to figure out that he was shocked
"Deku?!" He basically yelled
"Yes?" I said back sarcastically
"Why do you look so different?" He asked tilting his head to the side slightly
"My shitty parents" I replied emotionlessly
"You two know each other?"
My head snapped over to the voice. It was a guy, Alpha, cat, he was the same height as Kacchan. He had two different hair colors. On the left it was white, on the right it was red. There was a scar over his right eye, and he had one icy blue eye and one grey one. I narrowed my eyes at him and his face didn't change from its monotone state.
"No dip Sherlock" I mumbled
"Obviously we do dipshit" Kacchan said
"What's your name?" The guy asked
"Izuku Midoriya, but I go by Deku" I replied
"I'm Shoto Todoroki" He said back
I'm calling him Sho now. What! I like to give people nicknames a lot!
"Why am I actually here? I know my parents wouldn't just willingly give their little "toy" away for some money" I said putting air quoted on the word toy
"We sold them some stuff, and made a deal. They had two weeks to pay or we would kill them. They didn't pay so we made them a deal. Either they gave you to us, or we kill them. And they didn't want to die so they gave you to us." Kacchan explained leaning against the desk behind him.
My fists clenched amd I looked down. I let out a shaky breath and my eyes watered. Why am I not surprised. Giving me away to a mafia so they didn't get what they deserved. Typical.
"Of course they did. Making me pay for their stupid actions" I said quietly, my voice cracking as a few tears slipped from my eyes
My ears fell back down and my tail wrapped around my stomach. I heard footsteps come towards me and I felt two pairs of arms wrap around me gently. I inhaled their calming scents and felt myself relax in their arms. I whimpered because one of them accidentally hit my arm. They both pulled back and I whimpered again, missing their warm and comforting scents.
"Take off your shirt." Sho said
"W-What?!" I asked confused
"Take off your shirt. We need to see your injuries." He said
I gulped and did what he said. They both gasped at my appearance. I had a few fractured ribs, my fractured arm, bruises all over my body from multiple beatings, whip marks on my back that are from last night, and hickeys and bite marks littering my whole body. They walked over and started to examine me.
"Your parents did this to you. Correct?" Sho asked looking at me expectingly
I nodded and yelped as Kacchan gently touched my back. He pulled back his hand and apologized.
"Grab his shirt, he needs to see Recovery girl now." Kacchan said
Before I could ask what he meant, I was picked up bridal style. I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck so I didn't fall and he carried me to the door. Sho was beside us in seconds and opened the door after pulling my shirt over my head gently and carefully.
He walked me down a long hallway before stopping in front of an elevator. We stepped inside and I whimpered again, I buried my face in his neck inhaling his calming scent deeply. He chuckled softly and started talking to Sho about some stuff I didn't understand.
When the elevator beeped, we arrived on the floor we were on when I got here. I felt eyes on me as we walked through and I just kept my face in Kacchans neck whimpering quietly.
He kept walking until we reached another double door, but this one was white and it smelled like a hospital.
Sho opened the door and we walked in. I hugged myself closer to Kacchan and whimpered. He walked over to a small old lady.
"Hello Katsuki and Shoto, what do you need?" She asked nicely
"We need you to heal him. He's got a lot of injuries." Sho said
"Of course, lay him down on the bed for me please" She said
Kacchan nodded and set me on the bed gently. I whimpered and he gently pet my head. The lady came over and asked me to take off my shirt again so she can assess the damage I had.
I sat up and took of my shirt, again I whimpered. My arm is starting to hurt a lot more. I think it's gotten worse because of all the moving it around so much I've done.
She sighed and asked Kacchan and Sho to step out please. Kacchan growled and Sho narrowed his eyes at her.
"It's for his privacy, I have to assess what sort of damage was done to his lower half. And I don't think he would be okay with you being here" She explained with a sigh
I blushed and Kacchan growled before they left
"Can you please change into a hospital gown for me?" She asked kindly
I nodded and she stepped out for a second while I changed. I sat back down and she started healing my injuries. She started healing my wounds and I whimpered as she did. She had to touch them to heal them and it really hurt. I had to have my ears up so she could check them so that hurt a bit too because it's been a long time before my ears have been put up.
She finished after a few minutes, and told me I would have to apply medicine to my back and cuts every day for them to heal. I thanked her and she allowed me to change while she went to tell Kacchan and Sho about what they have to help me out with for the next few weeks.
I got my clothes back on and walked out. I saw Kacchan and Sho standing against the wall waiting for me, recovery girl gave them the medicine and walked back into her office.
I walked over to them and looked at them. We just stared st each other for a minute before Kacchan spoke
"We need to talk." He stated seriously
I gulped and nodded slowly. We started walking until we got to the elevator. We got in and stood in an awkward silence until we got off. They led me to a different set of doors this time. They opened it and we stepped in.
I was hit hard with their scent and I instantly relaxed. They seemed to notice and smirked so I blushed and looked down. I heard them chuckle and I stayed standing by the door shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot.
"You can go change if you want, we'll need to get you clothes, but for now you can wear some of ours" I heard Sho say
I looked up and he was wearing a pair of sweatpants and no shirt. I saw Kacchan on the big king sized bed, scrolling through his phone.
I nodded and walked to what looked like a closet and stepped in. I was right, it's a closet. I found a big hoodie and grabbed it. I took off my clothes and put it on. It smelled like Sho and Kacchan
I stepped out of the closet and saw Sho sitting on the bed on his phone as well. They didn't notice me so I knocked softly on the doorframe of the closet and they looked over to me. Kacchan smirked and sat up looking me up and down. I wasn't wearing anything except my underwear underneath this hoodie, which went down to my lower thigh, so it was pretty exposing.
"D-Didnt you need t-to talk to m-me about something?" I said quietly
"Come here" Kacchan said patting the spot in front of them
I walked over and sat down on my knees in front of them. They were looking at me seriously and I was starting to get a little scared. My ears fell and my tail wrapped around my legs
"You know about mates right?" Kacchan asked suddenly
"I know about what they are, but I don't know my mates yet" I replied
"Mates?" Sho asked
"Mhm, I have 2 mates" I said showing him my wrist where there were two marks
One was half a snowflake and half a fire and the other was an explosion. The boys looked at each other in shock and I could see the hint of hope in their eyes.
"W-Why do you wanna k-know?" I asked
They both turned to me and with the looks on their faces, I thought I did something wrong. I don't know why but it makes me sad to think I did something to upset them
"Deku how do you feel around us?" Kacchan asked seriously
"U-Um w-well, I f-feel calm and s-safe. And I-I want to m-make you happy and I d-don't want you to be s-sad" I said looking down in an attempt to hide my obvious red face
"Either your really stupid or just really oblivious" Kacchan said with a sigh
I looked up confused with my head tilted to the side a bit. They looked at each other and nodded
"You are our mate."

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