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They walked me to a huge living room and called everybody down. I was standing behind Kacchan and Sho while they talked to each other about stuff. They put a muzzle on me and my hands were in restraints. I was just standing in there watching as Alphas and Betas slowly filed in. After a few minutes somebody I didn't know spoke
"So what did you need Bosses?" A girl asked
"We have a new recruit." Sho said in his normal monotone voice
They stepped to the side to reveal me. I looked around and scanned everybody's faces. I had my arms crossed across my chest and my eyes narrowed as I looked at them.
"He's the new recruit?" Somebody in the back asked, I could practically hear the confusion written in their voice
I growled loudly at them and my snarled through the muzzle.
"He's really strong. Are you sure he's an Omega?" Somebody else asked
"I'll show you a fucking Omega" I growled at them
"He is an Omega. He is stronger but that's something that doesn't fucking concern you." Kacchan stated
My claws came out and I cut off the rope that was restraining my wrists. I reached up and pet my tail. It's something that helps me keep from getting mad and attacking someone. Yeah I might have a little anger management problem.
"Um boss?" I heard Mina ask from the crowd
I looked up and saw her pointing at me. I growled at her and continued petting my tail so I didn't let the others out accidentally. I don't like having them out because they get in the way sometimes. Mom and Dad couldn't know about them so I never had them out. Kacchan and Sho turned and saw me.
"Try to put those fucking ropes on me again I will bite your hands off I swear. I'm not going to attack them unless they attack me." I growled through the muzzle
They just sighed
"Anyways, this is our pack. There are 5 alphas excluding Shoto and I. We are the leaders of the pack. They are the ones who are in charge of missions." Kacchan said
As he spoke a few people stepped forward. I recognized Shinso, Momo, and Kirishima but the other one I didn't know.
"You know them. But the one you don't know is Tenta Iida." Sho said gesturing towards the blue haired alpha
I nodded and looked at him closely. He had blue hair and glasses. He looked like a responsible alpha who is better at protection and technical things. After I examined him I looked at Sho. He nodded in understanding and the 4 stepped back
"We have 5 betas. They are mostly the hackers or the ones helping on missions." Kacchan said
And again a few people stepped forward. I knew Mina, Denki, and Uraraka. But there were two I didn't know.
"The purple haired one is Kyoka Jiro. The green haired one is Tsuyu Asui." Sho said
I nodded once again and examined them. The Jiro girl had purple hair that went down by her ears. Tsuyu had long green hair tied in a bow close to the bottom. I looked at them and nodded. They stepped back and stepped forward. I looked at all of them and noticed somebody in the back.
I stepped forward and a few of them moved. I got curious so I walked through and went to the back. He wasn't like anybody I'd seen before. He was a bird animalistic, an alpha. He was quiet but he looked like a calm person
He saw me and held out his hand. I walked up and sniffed it, his scent was calming. I could smell another person on him, a beta
"Tokoyami? When did you get here?" I could hear Mina ask
"I've been here for awhile. I came down because I smelt an Omega and Shoji and I were curious." The one named Tokoyami replied
I looked at him and tilted me head to the side. His neck was just barely visible and I could see his mark. His mate is obviously the beta, I'm guessing that's who Shoji is.
I stepped back and nodded. I walked back to where I was before and stood.
"Pink cheeks. Pinky. You two show Deku around. Meet us in the basement in 15 minutes. Don't take off the muzzle unless it's an emergency." Kacchan said
The two nodded and approached me cautiously. Mina held out her hand and I put my head down.
"He wants you to pet him" Sho said
I nodded and she put her hand on my head. She scratched my ears and I purred silently. She stopped after a minute and I stretched.
"Follow us! We'll show you around the place" Uraraka said happily
They started walking and I followed behind them. They showed me around the whole place. It was a big place. I met the one named Shoji and I was right he's Tokoyamis mate. I liked them, they were calmer than most of them.
Minas phone rang when we finished and I could hear Kacchan growling at her.
"Pinky where the fuck are you?! You were supposed to be down here 10 minutes ago!" He growled through the phone
He sounded mad and I whimpered quietly.
"Quit growling asshole you scared him! We're coming! He wanted to meet Shoji!" Mina growled back
I whimpered again and hid behind Uraraka. She turned and pet my head until I was calm again. I looked back at Mina and she was patiently waiting. Her ears and tail were lower.
"Sorry for growling like that, I didn't mean to scare you" She apologized smiling
I nodded and let go of Uraraka. She walked to a flight of stairs and I followed. She started walking down and I slowly followed. I'm pretty bad at walking down stairs.
We made it down and arrived at a pair of double doors. I step through and hiss at the blinding white lights. I cover my eyes and back towards the door. I keep my eyes covered for a minute and take them off. I blink a few times until I can see and I see Kacchan and Sho standing in front of me waiting patiently
"Come on, we're going to get you an outfit. And we have to know your combat skills." Kacchan said
I nodded and followed them to a room. They walked in and I followed. There were a few different outfits but only one caught my eye.
It was a crop top, a stretchy material and no arms. There were white gloves that went up the arm right past the elbow. It had a steel mask with holes. It was an air mask,so if there was a toxin in the air if I put on the mask I would be fine. The bangs were baggy and their were knee braces going down to the red combat shoes. There was a belt with gun, knife, and weapon holders.
"Find one and put it on. We'll meet you outside." Sho said before they left
I took of the clothes I was wearing and put on the outfit. It fit well and I liked it. My arms had multiple healed scars going up, and there was a big scar on my side that was visible. My parents gave me a deep cut because I accidentally left my shirt on my bed instead of putting it away.
I sighed at the memory and pushed it out of my mind. I stepped out and walked over to where Sho and Kacchan were talking. I went and tapped Sho on the shoulder. He jumped a bit and turned to me. I pawed at the muzzle and he sighed.
"If I take it off are you gonna bite me?" He asked
I shook my head and he turned to Kacchan
He nodded and Sho unlocked the muzzle. He pulled it off and I sighed
"Follow us." He said
I nodded and followed him to yet another room. He opened the door to reveal a shooting range. My tail started wagging and my ears perked up. My father taught me how to use guns when I was young. That was before they started the abuse. He taught me so I could protect myself.
"Do you know how to use guns?" Kacchan asked snapping me out of my excited daze
I nodded excitedly and he chuckled.
"We're going to step out. Use whatever you want. We will be watching safely behind bullet proof glass." He chuckled stepping towards the door
I walked over to the wall of different guns after they left. I saw them through the window of the room but ignored them. I grabbed a hand gun and loaded it.
I turned towards the targets and aimed.
I grabbed another and shot a few of the other targets.
Bullseye every time.
My tail wagged behind me happily. I took a moment to look around the room and noticed another wall. This one had knives.
I looked at the window and looked at Kacchan. I pointed at the knives and he nodded. I grabbed a set of throwing knives and picked one up. I threw it and hit another target. I did this a few more times before I got bored. Kacchan and Sho stepped back in and I held up a handgun
"Can I keep it!" I begged
"Sure" Sho chuckled
I smiled and put it in the holster. I grabbed a few of the knives and put them in the other holsters.
A loud crash sounded from upstairs and I jumped. Kacchan and Sho each grabbed a gun and ran out. I followed behind them after grabbing an extra pistol. I followed them as they ran up the stairs and into the lobby.
The door was broke down and there was a group of people holding guns up at the pack.
There was a beta girl, she had blonde hair pulled into two space buns. A blue haired alpha, he had a really scratched up neck. A few others and one I recognized.
Raven hair.
Icy blue eyes.
The man who took me.
The worst most horrible month of my life.


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