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I wake up in the morning to Caleb's arms tightly wrapped around me. I barley slept at all last night. The only thing I could think about was Maggie.

She definitely hates me. I'm literally the worst person ever and I wish I could change everything. I never wanted to hurt her. Not ever.

"Love?" I turn around to Caleb's eyes halfway open, "Are you going to tell me what's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You didn't sleep last night," he says. He then touches my eyes lightly, "And your eyes are red and puffy. Have you been crying?"

I nod my head and I look away from him. I'm afraid if I look at his beautiful eyes then I'll just start crying again.

"What's going on?" He asks.

I bite the inside of my cheek and a few tears fall out my eyes. Damnit. I didn't want to cry. I fucking hate crying in front of Caleb. It always makes me feel so weak and I hate that.

Caleb sits up on the bed and then he pulls me up with him. I straddle his body as he leans against the wall. I look him deep in the eyes and more tears begin to fall down my face.

"Did Brandon tell you anything?" I ask. I'm sure Maggie told him right away.

"Tell me what?"

I sigh, "About Maggie."

"Nobody told me anything," he says. "What's going on?"

"I basically told her that she was cheating on Brandon and she wasn't loyal to him. I had to tell her that she was getting dick from her boss and she only kept her job because of that."

"Why the hell would you tell her that?"

"The Black X," I whisper, "He told me to get rid of Maggie. To befriend her or he would do the job. I had to, Caleb."

He wipes the tears from my face and then pulls me into a tight hug. I rest my head onto his chest as he rubs my back.

"I'm the worst person ever," I cry. "She hates me so much."

"Maybe you should tell her that you had to."

"What if the Black X kills her though?" I ask.

He sighs, "It's okay. I'm going to get him soon."

"I really wish you would stop going out. You know how much I hate it," I say.

"But what if we are close," he says. "Anything could happen and I have the gun, Caitlyn."

"I know," I say. "I'm just scared for you."

"I'll be okay," he whispers.

[3 days later]

"Y'all want some food?" Edwin asks while walking into the living room.

"Sure," I say. "What are we getting?"

"Taco Bell," Austin says.

I nod my head and everyone agrees to eating Taco Bell. I'm honestly excited to eat fast food. We haven't ate out in awhile.

"Maggie is coming over," Brandon says. He looks over at me and then quickly looks away.

"She is?" I ask quietly.

"Yes," he says. "So maybe this time learn to control yourself and not be a total bitch to her."

"Brandon!" Caleb yells. "Just shut up! You don't know anything!"

"What do you mean? I know everything that happened," Brandon yells back at Caleb, "Your fucking girlfriend called my girlfriend a hoe and said she was cheating on me."

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