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(Caitlyn's POV)

Yesterday was so good. I had so much fun and I'm so glad that we actually got to go out. Nothing happened to us and everything seemed to be perfectly fine.

I roll over on the bed to be faced with a very sleepy Caleb. I'm glad that the two of us worked everything out because I hated arguing. It just wasn't us and it wasn't fun at all.

I lightly press my lips to his even though he is fast asleep. I get out of the bed and I go to the bathroom.

Every time I step into his bathroom I feel so helpless and stupid. I honestly hate it, but I try not to let it show. It's just whatever at this point.

I do my thing in the bathroom and I walk back out to Caleb's room. He is still fast asleep. He looks so cute when he is asleep. I love to watch him sleep. I literally do it all the time.

My phone rings so I grab it and see a it's an incoming phone call from my mom. Im surprised she is calling. I barely hear from them anymore. I quickly pick it up.


"Hi, sweetie. How has everything been?"

I roll my eyes and I sit down in Caleb's chair. I love how she cares now. She hasn't cared the past few weeks, "It's okay. I actually really love staying here with the boys."

"Well I'm glad. Your father and I really don't know when you'll be able to leave."

"I'm probably not going to leave. I'll probably end up staying here for a long time," I smile and I look over at Caleb. He is the reason I'll stay here forever.

"Well has Zion been keeping you safe?"

"Very," I say. "He's very good at it. He doesn't ever let me leave and he's always with me."

"Good. I'm glad that everything seems to be going great there," she says. She pauses for a second and then says, "Courtney texted me today."

"Oh really? What did she have to say?"

"She said that she has been living in California for awhile now. I had no idea she lived there too, but she wanted to meet up with you."

I roll my eyes. Courtney was my childhood best friend. She was always trying to steal my best friends and even my boyfriends. I fucking hated it. We never really broke off our friendship. We both just went our separate ways after college. I'm sure she thinks that we are still besties.

"I don't know if that's a good idea. Caleb never lets me leave the house."

"Well she can just go over to the house to maybe say hi and catch up a bit. She really misses you, Caitlyn."

I roll my eyes again, "Fine. Give me her number so I can text her."

"I will send it to you now. It was good talking to you. Tell me if you need anything. Bye."

Before I can say anything back she hangs up the phone. That was it. She basically only called to tell me about Courtney. Fuck her.

My phone dings once again and it's a phone number from my mother. Courtney's number. I sigh and I put my phone down on the desk.

I feel a pair of hands go to my shoulders and I immediately relax at his touch. He starts to massage me and it feels so good. I've obviously been so worried and stressed, so this feels amazing.

"Was it your mom?" He whispers.

"Yea," I say. "She wants me to meet up with an old friend."

"Where?" He asks quickly. I knew he would be all pissy. He doesn't want me going anywhere.

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