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I'm currently driving home right now. I just finished watching the kids, so now I get to go home and meet this stupid guy. I don't want to meet him at all. I don't want to have protection. That's just stupid.

I pull up to my house and I see a tall guy leaning against his nice ass car. He has long dreads and he is an absolute giant. He has to be over six feet tall. He's huge. He is very attractive though.

I turn my car off and I get out. He walks over to me and smiles. "You must be Caitlyn? It's nice to meet you." He holds out his hand and I shake it twice, "My name is Zion."

"Nice to meet you," I say quietly. It stays quiet for just a few seconds. "So how do you know my dad?"

"Your dad works with my dad," he says. "I've only met your dad once, but he's a very nice guy." That's definitely a lie. My father is not a nice guy. I nod my head and I start to walk up to the house. He follows me, "Where do you live?"

"Only about five minutes from here. Down on Spruce street," he says. I nod my head and I unlock the door. We go inside and I put my things down. "You have a nice home."

"Thanks," I say. "I guess I'm going to destroy it though by packing everything up."

He smiles very lightly, "I guess you are. I can help you pack everything up."

"I'm sorry, but I don't need your help. I honestly don't need your protection at all."

"That's not what your father has told me," he says. "You do need protection. There is a lot going on."

"You don't know shit about me. You are probably just a big dick anyways and I want nothing to do with your ass!"

"You're right. I don't know anything about you, but that doesn't mean anything. I still have to do my job which is protect you at all costs."

I roll my eyes, "Whatever. I'm going to pack some shit since I have no choice." I start to walk upstairs to my room.

"Do you need help?"

"No!" I yell once I'm all the way upstairs.

Maybe I am being a total bitch to him, but I don't care. I'm 21 years old and I don't need anyone's help or protection.

This whole thing is just stupid and I feel like I'm five years old. It's like when I was five and I had to hold my moms hand to cross the street. I'm so over that stage and I don't need help from anyone.

I'm a grown ass adult.

[At Zion's house]

"Well this is the place," he says as he pulls into the driveway of a really nice house. The house is kinda big, but it's not too big. The outside is beautiful though. There are plants out front and a few decorations. There aren't close by neighbors, so it's very secluded. I love that.

"It's nice," I say quietly.

He smiles, "Thank you."

I don't say anything back while he parks the car in the garage. Once it's parked we both get out and I follow him inside with my one suitcase. I didn't bring much. I'm going to have to get the rest later.

"You have this whole ass house for yourself?" I ask. It's really big for just one person. It looks even bigger on the inside.

He chuckles and stands in the middle of the kitchen and the living room. Both of the rooms are completely connected. I stand next to him. "I don't actually live alone."

"Who else do you live with?"

"They are my best friends. We are actually in a band together."

"A band?" I ask surprised. I have I never even heard of these people. How have I not?

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