Another rumble of thunder sounded through the sky, it was a lot closer than last time and a hell of a lot louder. Roach buckled back, throwing Aldith off of the back, and onto the soaked, swamped floor. "Fucking great, just great. As if I wasn't soaked enough, as if I wasn't already in a foul mood, I get thrown into mud?"

"Aldith." Geralt stifled a laugh, that became easier when he noticed that her half torn blouse had become sheer and completely see through. Everything was visible and he wasn't complaining, he felt a small twitch beneath his trousers - he knew it was time to turn away. "Climb back on, we need to move."

"Easy for you to say, White Wolf, you didn't just land in a completely bogged piece of mud, I'm soaking." Aldith angrily retorted, grabbing Geralt's hand.

"Hm." He hummed lightly, "There is a cloak in one of the saddlebags, use that."

Aldith reached round to the smallest looking saddlebag, and pulled out a thin, sack-like material cloak, not one for ungratefulness, the wrapped the cloak round her and tied it - throwing the hood over her head.

Something caught the lilac haired woman's eye, a hut. It looked abandoned, but offered shelter, and warmth. She couldn't tolerate being in the rain anymore, she needed to wash her clothes and freshen herself up, not letting the opportunity, she called out to her white haired companion, "Geralt! Look, a hut. Quick."

"Faster, Roach." He shouted, ordering Roach to run faster towards the hut. Aldith appeared to of been correct, the hut was abandoned and was the perfect place to shelter. She went to walk in when she stopped and turned around, realising Geralt wasn't following her in, "Don't worry, I'm just tying Roach. I'll be in soon."

Aldith nodded and proceeded to enter the hut, luckily there was still food laid out that she could eat, and a few Kaedwenian Stouts and three bottles of Everluce. This hut hadn't been abandoned long. "Hey Witcher, there's alcohol in here!" She shouted in glee, tearing the cloak off and removing her clothes, she didn't realise Geralt followed in shortly after her shouting - he saw everything. He watched how gracefully she wrapped the cloak back over herself, and laid her clothes out to wash once she had warmed up.

"Fuck." He grunted under his breath. She was beautiful. He had never seen a woman so breathtaking, so intoxicating, so inviting. There was one thing on Geralt's mind, and it shouldn't of been.

Aldith turned around, jumping at Geralt's sudden presence, "I didn't hear you come in." She muttered, her face red with embarrassment when he saw the smirk creep up onto his face. "You saw me undress, didn't you?"

"Mmm." He hummed, he didn't know what else to say until he caught scent of something, "Aldith, wait here." He ordered, walking around the hut, he tried to narrow down what the scent was.

He reached the corner of the hut, and stopped suddenly, causing Aldith to raise a brow in confusion, "Um - Geralt? What're you doing?"

"Just, bare with me." He stared into the corner before bending down, picking at what was left of a human body.

"Geralt, what is it?" Aldith asked, edging closer before stopping right behind Geralt, "Oh my - is that?"

"Yes, judging by how little is left, I'd wager that a Leshen had done this." Geralt turned to look at Aldith, his eyes slightly hooded from the sight of her, but he shrugged it off - they'd both be dead if he didn't find the Leshen and kill it.

"A Leshen? I've heard of them, we had one. The only time we could afford a Witcher. In the woods, where I lived; people went missing, and there wouldn't be much of them left." Aldith looked grimly at Geralt, before turning around and looking over to her soaking wet clothes, "Go, I need to clean my clothes, just don't die."

Aldith, Forever. (The Witcher.) Where stories live. Discover now