Chapter 2- Redemption Job?

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(Daniels POV)

I ran back to my car and fumbled with my keys, I cant do this, god this is way more stressful then I thought it would be. Ill just write a note later or something. Yah that's it, ill write a note saying thanks. Then I wont have the pressure of messing up or-

"Well gosh golly, Daniel is that you?", I dropped my keys, shit. I turned around, " H-hey David, long time no see". Unlike me David looked about the same: dark red hair, bright green eyes, the same green camp counsellor shirt with his yellow scarf wrapped around his neck, he had that same overly joyful grin plastered across his face, but something felt...different, something about his appearance

"Well gosh Daniel I didn't think id see you again, you know, after...last...year", David's voice trailed off at the end. I could feel myself on the burdge of tears, god I really was a bad person, what was I even thinking?

I felt an arm on my shoulder, I looked up too see David inches away from my face, "But that's not you anymore, is it?", David wiped away a few tears I hadn't known had fallen, I gave him a weak smile as a way of saying 'yes'.

"Why did you come back anyway?", his voice was so calming, and for the first time in a while I "W-well I did come to c-cheek up on you guys, y-you know with the camp", for some reason I felt like I had to add on. " but it l-looks like you never f-found another counsellor-", before I could finish David's face lit up and cut in, "You still want to be a counselor?!?", oh god what am I getting myself into. "Well I mean if its ok with you-", David hugged me, "I was hoping you would say that", his smile was reaching ear to ear. I smiled and hugged him back, ok maybe this was a good really glad I came back.

(Max POV)
Gwen walked up beside me, mouth agape.
"I-is that....Daniel?"
She sighed "Fuck"
This is gonna be a fun summer.... I wonder if I can make it even more fun. I wonder if there's still wine on spooky island?

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