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SCOTT RUSHED INTO the animal clinic, searching for his boss. he ran into one of the exam rooms, his eyes widening at the scene in front of him. he saw his boss, deaton, tied to a chair and beaten.

derek stood in front of him, turning around and glaring at scott. deaton looked at scott in fear, scratches and a bruise on his face. "scott, get out of here!"

derek's fist collided with deaton's face, this time knocking him unconscious. scott's eyes widened as he screamed at derek. "stop! stop!"

"look, when he's conscious, he can keep himself from shifting. but unconscious, he can't!" derek exclaimed, staring darkly at the teen.

"what the hell are you talking about?!" scott yelled, confusion written all over his face.

"you want to know what the spiral means? it's our sign for a vendetta, for revenge. it means he won't stop killing until he's satisfied." derek explained, raising his voice as he took out a folded piece of paper, showing him the picture of a deer with a red spiral on it's side.

scott glanced at deaton before looking back at derek. "you think he's the alpha?" his voice wavered as he stood in disbelief. his boss couldn't be the alpha. it didn't make any sense.

"we're about to find out." derek said, his face and voice in a seriousness as he went to swing his fist at deaton again.

but scott quickly grabbed derek's wrist, stopping him from punching his boss. derek turned to glare at scott but froze as he saw him fully transformed. hair grew on his face, his eyes glowed bright yellow, and his incisors grew into sharp fangs. scott's claws dug into derek's leather jacket, breathing heavily.

"hit him again, and you'll see me get angry." scott threatened, glaring up at the other beta werewolf.

after a moment, scott slowly transformed back into his human side, letting go of derek's wrist. sending him another glare, he began cleaning all of deaton's small wounds on his face.

derek let out a huff, rolling his eyes and walking around the exam room impatiently. scott ignored him, not finding it in him to deal with his annoyed manner as he continued to huff every few moments.

"do you have a plan?" derek asked after a while, walking toward scott.

scott stopped for a second, looking at him through the corner of his eye. "just... give me an hour."

"then what?"

"meet me at the school, in the parking lot." scott told him, continuing to dab the wet rag into deaton's dark skin.

derek stared at him in confusion for a second before scoffing and walking out of the room. he walked outside, leaning against the brick building. he fished his phone out of his pocket, hoping to see a message from haven. but he didn't and he sighed, leaning his head against the wall.


scott and stiles pulled into the school's parking lot. they both got out, looking around before stiles turned to look at his best friend. "this is a terrible idea."

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