Glory x Deathbringer

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One of my favourite ships in the world. My heart just bursts when I read about them. I watched a movie called The Perfect Date and it reminded me so much of Glorybringer. Anyway this fanatic is going to be based of that. I ship them so hard. 

Glory was searching her mail for any  letters from her friends, the dragons of destiny. She looked through her mail, half excepting there to be a random letter from Clay. But she found nothing, all she found was a letter from a RainWing, two complaint letters from some random NightWings, and an invitation to a party at Queen Thorn's stronghold. This surprised Glory, she never, got a letter from Queen Thorn or from any of the other queens except Queen snowfall and Glacier-may as she rest in peace-so this made Glory a bit nervous. 

"Deathbringer, come in here," Glory called. Deathbringer came to her resuce but frowned when he found out it wasn't an attack but grateful at the same time. 

"What is it, my wondrous and all-mighty queen?" Deathbringer grinned. 

"Oh be quiet, tell me something, can you interrupt this?" Glory handed him the letter. Deathbringer read the letter carefully and gave it back to Glory. 

"I think Queen Thorn is genuinely asking you to go to her party," Deathbringer informed her. "and guess what, she even asked for me, Riptide, and Snowfall's plus one personally." Deathbringer grinned and Glory rolled her eyes. 

"Well, prepare to be disappointed, because I'm not going," Glory sighed. She walked in her hut.  Deathbringer followed her with a frown on his face. 

Oh, you're way or another, Deathbringer thought smugly. And with that he tickled Glory and when she was distracted, he put her down on the floor and was on top of her side ways. 

"Deathbringer! Get off me!" Glory yelled. Deathbringer gave her a smug smile. 

"No, I don't think I will," Deathbringer smiled. "Not until you go to that party." Glory rolled her eyes and frowned. 

"I'm not going! Now get your large body off me!" Glory demanded. 

"Nope," Deathbringer grinned. Glory finally caved. 

"FINE! I'll go!" Glory caved. "Now get off me!" Deathbringer got off her and gave her a smug smile. 

"Well, you better get ready if we want to get there in time," Deathbringer commented and then left to go get something from the NightWing Village. Glory went to hut muttering and saying how she can't go to parties. She put on some powdered blush and decided to wear a beautiful flower crown that had gold stems and the flowers on it were Bluebells, Azalea, orange and pink Begonias, and white roses. When she finished getting ready she heard a knock on her hut. Glory opened and saw that Deathbringer was there and stared at her with amazement. He was wearing a gold armband and surrounding it hand a few scarlet Rubies. But he looked very handsome. 

"You look gorgeous," Deathbringer smiled. Glory smiled back. 

"You clean up nicely your self," Glory grinned. Deathbringer grinned back at her and then she took off into the sky. They used the dark tunnels to go to the kingdom of Sand. They reached Thorn's Stronghold and Glory went inside with Deathbringer at her side. She had to admit, it was nice to go to a party every once in a while. 

"Glory!" Thorn greeted. Queen Thorn gave Glory a small hug but pulled away quickly. "I hope you weren't bothered that I invited Deathbringer." 

"Of course not," Glory smiled kindly at Thorn and Deathbringer smiled smugly when Thorn was gone. They stayed there for a few moments. Deathbringer was looking at the dance floor and the food and everything else, while Glory just stayed frozen and stared at the entrance. Deathbringer obviously noticed so he bumped his wing with her's playfully. 

"Hey, let's go get some food," Deathbringer guided Glory to the food with his wing. He looked hungrily at the food like it was something precious. 

"You didn't eat before you got here, didn't you," Glory said. 

"You have no idea," Deathbringer replied Glory smiled and took some Mangoes and pineapples. Deathbringer took a chicken and a cow. They went to sit at the side of the throne room. Glory finished her food faster than Deathbringer but Deathbringer looked at her with a concerted look on her face. 

"Go have fun," Deathbringer said calmly. Glory looked at him with scared eyes. "Look around and have fun." 

"Well, I don't really know what to do at parties," Glory sighed. 

"Oh, My, Moons," Deathbringer gaped. "Are you telling me, that the Queen Glory of not one but two tribes and the Queen Glory, the sarcastic, cute, funny Queen can't party?" Deathbringer asked slyly.  

"I guess I am," Glory smiled. 

"Well, that is a terrible condition, as your doctor, you have my permission to dance," Deathbringer grinned. 

"Since when did you become my doctor?" Glory asked. 

"Since I found out you never partied," Deathbringer smiled. 

"Well, I can't dance," Glory rolled her eyes. Deathbringer gave Glory a smug smile. After he ate his last bite, Deathbringer grabbed her talons and took her to the dance floor. Deathbringer moved to the middle of the dance floor and started to dance to 'Dance Monkey'.  But his dancing was terrible. "What are you doing?" Glory hissed in his ear. 

"I'm showing you that there is no need to worry, see no one is laughing at me," Deathbringer mentioned. Glory went on the dance floor and danced terrible but for her it was the best dance she ever done. Deathbringer smiled as Glory was having fun at a party. Then the song turned to a slow song the song was 'Before you go'. Deathbringer slowed down and swayed back and forth. Glory did the same and leaned her head on Deathbringer's shoulder. Deathbringer didn't talk, his heart was beating in his chest very loud like he was nervous happy.  Glory looked into his eyes and then with terrible timing, Tsunami and Riptide walked up to them. 

"Oooooooo," Tsunami grinned. "I knew you two would make it." Deathbringer and Glory let go of each other, embarrassed that she caught them like this. 

"This is my favourite song and it reminds me of Starflight and Sunny," Riptide put his wing around her but Tsunami hissed. However, Riptide remained where he was. 

"What time is it?" Glory asked the two SeaWings. 

"Um, about 1:00 in the morning," Tsunami answered. 

"Oh, I have to go back or else the RainWings and NightWings would think something happened to me," Glory sighed. She said bye and then Deathbringer and Glory flew to the Rainforest. When they got home, all Glory wanted to do was go to sleep but she new she wouldn't get much sleep. Deathbringer opened her hut door and let him carry her to bed. 

"Good night my queen," Deathbringer whispered. 

"Night my king," Glory whispered. Deathbringer blushed. He knew she was tired and just wanted to sleep but he couldn't think anything other than how amazing it was that Glory and him danced. Deathbringer sighed and went outside. He also knew that she wasn't his partner but he felt like he soon will be. 

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