Chapter 1

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Laughter could be heard across the empty expanse of land. The sun warming the family's skin as it comes out from hiding behind small clouds that float lazily across the blue sky. The green grass bending under shoes before springing back up unharmed, ticking the small toes of the youngest child who ran ahead barefoot. "Mama! Mama!" She cries out happily, almost tripping over her feet as her legs can't move fast enough to keep up with the rest of her.

"Careful little one." Declan calls after her, his hand entwined with Alicia's hand as his other holds a picnic basket. She carried the picnic blanket and a ball for her two children to play with. It had taken the mother three years to be comfortable staying outside for long periods of time after the dark events in her past that she hopes is far behind her. She was happy she had moved to Lily By under her best friends approval of the town. She must remember to call in and see Sarah, especially with that husband of hers that was monstrous even with their own child.

Finding shade under the scattered trees overlooking the meadow and the forest that laid behind it that stretched for miles. Letting go of each other's hands and passing the ball to the two young children, who quickly run off to play, the couple start setting up their picnic. The mother keeping an eye on her children kicking the ball to each other as she spreads out the red and black checkered blanket. Declan places the woven basket down, flexing his muscles in an expression to impress his wife who just laughs at him. "So handsome, come here often?" She jokes.

"Only when your here." He winks back, unloading the basket and placing a bottle of wine in Alicia's lap. "Enjoy pretty lady." The two sit close together, arms around each other with soft expressions as they share a kiss. The moment ruined by their youngest daughter who comes running over calling for water. A water bottle in her hands as she drinks, the wine being opened and poured into two glasses. The older brother by five years waiting for his five year old sister, wanting her to hurry as he wanted to play.

"Hurry up!" He whines loudly, kicking his feet into the ground as he crosses his arms. 

The girl turns and runs back, water bottle dropped as the couple laugh at their children. "Sorry. sorry." The youngest says, rushing past her brother to stand so they can resume kicking the ball.

It was peaceful under the clear sky. The weather just warm enough that it wasn't too uncomfortable and the wind soft upon skin. The grass crinkles under the running feet and the ball as the kids laughter fills the quiet air.

"You must remind me to help Mrs Smith with her lights." Declan suddenly declares. "I'm always forgetting."

Alicia just laughs, "and you're expecting me to remember? Me?"

"I know right."

"Mama I'm hungry." The youngest calls kicking the ball back to her brother. Only for the ball to return quickly to her. 

Laughing as the couple starts unpacking the picnic basket. "Not long now sweetie." Alicia smiles at the youngest. "And you must take (y/n) with you. You know just how much Mrs Smith loves our sweet girl." 

Nodding Declan considers it. "I think I will." 

The food and drinks get set up, and the kids run over, both of them tumbling down to get to their spots first. "Hah I win!" The eldest cheers, poking his tongue out at the youngest who just pouts and picks up some food. 

After they finished eating, the father challenges his children to a game of ball. "Bet you can't get it off me dad!" The son shouts with a laugh, running as he kicks the ball with him. 

"Wait for me!" (Y/n) cries out, wanting to join the fun as the two males laugh. "Mama come join!"

Alicia smiles and shakes her head, "Sorry dear but I might take a nap instead and relax."

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