Planning and Pinterest

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I groan as I wake up. We had a few drinks lady night after everyone helped to situate all the stuff I had bought for the house. It still looked empty but at least we had crockery and towels. Austin was staying and sorting more furniture out and the house stuff while I was on wedding duty. I knew what I wanted now after hours of Pinterest last night. We where meeting with a girl we knew from school who works for a wedding planner. I had a list of exactly what I wanted and we had decided we wanted to get married at the end of the month so we had just over 3 weeks. I also had an appointment with a florist and a catering company. I needed to call the bakery to pick up samples to try with Austin. We where waiting on the lists from out parents of who we HAD to invite then we could ask one of our teams to design the invitations. They needed to be sent out asap. Why did I agree to this timeframe.

Our appointment to look at dresses was at 12. My mom, Jodie, Jenny and some of my design team where coming. We wanted to find out a silhouette and material I liked and if I couldn't find something I liked we could adapt it or create something. I picked my mum and my team up from thier hotel and met Jodie and Jenny at the bridal shop. The met us with champagne and they had out a small spread on. They had a surprising amount of high end dresses. I tried plain dresses and lace dresses. I tried mermaid dresses and
Princess dresses. I felt like I'd tried every dress in the shop till I found one that knocked the breath out of me. I had sleeves which is why I hadn't seen it before. I was avoiding sleeves due to the weather but this dress was just perfect. It was like it was made for our wedding. When I walked out in it everyone cried. So I bought it on the spot. That was easier than I thought. I think I just got lucky. We headed over to the planner to discuss chairs and when they could come to the house to measure up. I talked the the catering company and the florist and told them exactly what I wanted. Picked up the cake samples and we even had time to go to tjmaxx and pick up some decorations for the wedding.

I arrived home with my entourage in tow. Austin greeted them all. Him and my mom hasn't seen eachother in years. Probably since before I moved away from grapevine so she was fussing over him.

"I missed you" he kisses me and wraps his arms round my waist "What's in the bag?" He tickles my sides

"Not for your eyes" I slap his hands

"Oh is that it? Did you find one do quickly?" He looks shocked

"Why you say it like that?"

"Because your sooooo picky" he tries to peek

"Don't you dare. And I thought I wasn't going to find one" I admit "but this was tucked away and it's perfect. Like absolutely perfect. I may love it more than you"

"Well it's a good job it's a wedding dress then" he huffs

"You need to sort your suits out asap. Have you decided on who your grooms men will be?"

"Jason as best man Dre, Tyla, Adam, Bobby, Smitty and Kyle as grooms men I think"

"and what colour suit?" I'm testing him

"black or you won't marry me..." he drags the words out like a child

"You do listen" I kiss his cheek

"You thought about bridesmaids?"

"Well Jenny obviously is going to be my maid of honour because it's her fault I'm with you. I was thinking Cally, Tina my friend from Vegas , Lucy, Lexi and Ruby from my design team and my cousin Hope"

"So the same in both sides?"

"I was thinking it would work better. Walking down the isle, the photos and the dances"

"And what colour would the dresses be?"

"Guess"I laugh

"Black? Why couldn't you do Dallas cowboy blue?" He whine "I look adorable in blue"

"That you do baby but there's a theme. This house looks like it's coming together"

"So I may have ordered loads of stuff" he looks at me sheepishly

"What stuff?" I sigh

"Entertainment area stuff" he smiles

" You bought another pool table didn't you?"

"Yeah and I'll get Hollywood's bleeding put on the felt eventually"

"I thought you might have done a whole Dallas cowboys thing"

"Ohhhh good idea! There's a reason your a good designer" he kisses my head running off to find his dad. I show everyone round the house getting ohhs and ahhs. We go and look at the massive back garden where the wedding will take place planning where the aisle will go and where the tables will be set up after the ceremony. We arrange the garden furniture that had arrived during the day and helped moved furniture around the house. It was staring to come along I can't believe in 3 weeks I will be getting married here. I wanted it to be perfect. I can't wait to marry him. The rest of our lives we can sort after all I know is that I want to spend the rest of my life with him for better or worse. It's always been him and always will. He's my soulmate. Maybe they where right we just met at the wrong time. We needed to live our lives and we found out way back to each other. It was fate that brought us back into eachothers lives.

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