Party's over

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Austin's POV

It's been just over 3 months since Vegas. Michi came and stayed with me. She just seems disinterested in me most if the time. Like she speaks to everyone just not me. We are back at my house in LA we are throwing party's practically everynight. The ragers have been major. There's been women throwing themselves at me but I'm with Michi. Even though she doesn't seem to want to. Im not sure of her deal because it's not my money she wants which is surprising. She just seems to be here. We've barely spoken to eachother. Even when we have sex it's just done and then we seperate. I should tell her to leave but then I'll be completely alone. At least with her here we are both benefiting from it. I'm fucked I don't even remember what concoction of drugs
and drink it's been tonight. I just want to numb the pain.

(X) POV.

I need your help. You still in LA?

Yeah here till tomorrow, what's up?

Jason 👨🏻‍🎤
It's Austin he's bad, his drinking and drugs have escalated. He's not listening to us. I am thought maybe you could try. Shock him

(X) 🖤
If you think it will work I will. It's my fault this happened anyway

It's the least I can do I fucked him up royally this time. Twice. I can't get the image of his face when he turned up at my door in Vegas out my head. He looked so defeated. I just wanted to jump on him and kiss it better. Steve was nice but it didn't last because I was still raw from Austin. I don't think I'll ever get over him.

Jason text me his address. Michi was probably going to be there but he seemed sure she wasn't going to be an issue. I took an Uber to the house, security seemed to know who I was so let me in and i knocked in the door firmly. A pretty Asian girl answered, I'm assuming Michi. She greeted me warmly and left. She must have known who I was or what i was here for. I made my way through the lavish house looking for him. He wasnt in the living area or the master suite. I found him the last place I looked the balcony, looking at the stars. He was crying. He looked terrible, pale and gaunt. He'd definitely lost weight. The bags under his eyes where a deep purple and his eyes where bloodshot. His hair was dirty. He was definitely not looking after himself. The balcony was littered with empty beer cans and liquor bottles not to mention drug paraphernalia.

I sat in the chair next to him and looked up at the stars. "I thought this was my thing" it took him a while but he turned his head to me in disbelief. Like I was a ghost. "Austin you need to look after yourself better. Your going to make yourself ill" he just looked at me not saying a word I stood.

"Please don't leave me again" he croaked

I run my hand down his cheek, he grabs it and holds it there "I'll be right back" I go fetch a bin bag and start to clean up the mess he's made.

"I can ask the maid to do that" he says as he watches me

"Austin I know your this famous rockstar now but there's no reason to make someone else's job harder" I kiss his forehead. He pulls me down onto his lap. I cradle his head in my arms

"Promise you won't ever leave me again?" He crys softly into my arms

"As long as you want me around I'm yours" I whisper back "come on let's get you cleaned up" I get up and pull him with me. I sit him at the side of the bath as I start to run him a bath. I take this opportunity to look at him properly.

"Austin, you look like shit" I cup his face in my hands "when's the last time you slept?" He just shrugs "this shit has got to stop, understand me?" He just nods "I'm being serious, no more drugs. When's the last time you ate?" He just shrugs again "do you know how infuriating you are?" He nods and smiles at me. My heart aches. I undress him carefully looking at his body that he's neglected. I get him in the bath and wash his hair. Slowly massaging his head. I take the chipped polish of his nails and cut and repaint them black just how he likes them. I can see him getting sleepy. I postmated and order him some food before he sleeps. I make sure he's clean after scrubbing his skin with a body puff. I dry him off like a child and wrap a robe around him. I make him get in bed and get him a soft drink and a bottle of water as the food arrives. I force him into eating the soup and grilled cheese. I crawl into bed next to him stroking his head and playing with his hair till he falls asleep.

Austin's POV

I feel slightly better but still like shit. I had a weird dream that my love came back to me. Probably the drugs making me have hallucinations. She wasn't here when I woke up so I must have been wishing it. I got up and walked to the fridge. There was no alcohol in it... Wtf I'll have to have a word with Dre and my PA my fridge  was supposed to be fully stocked at all times. I grabbed a water and chugged it down on my way to the phone. There she was standing Infront of me it wasn't a dream. My soulmate had returned to me

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