Hi...I know this book is done

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Hello, I know it's completed and nobody will see this cause it do be done, but...I remembered that I never got a chance to thank you all one last time for just supporting me and reading this book. Today at this moment we have 67k reads on this book, and that is absolutely amazing. Just wow, thank you so much.

Like I was talking to my friend and she said that the last time I told her about how my book was getting so many reads it was close to 200, and now it's at 67 tHOUSAND wHaT—

I love you all so much and I'm so great full you stuck by through the bad grammar and mediocre writing. You guys genuinely have changed my life and sometimes I take for granted how far this book has gone.

Anyways, this is a final farewell, I love you, stay safe and I hope to see you in a next book ❤️

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