"I can't go there," he whispered into my chest.

"It's going to be okay. It's going to be alright. Don't think about that now, I'm here. I'm going to keep you and our girl safe."

I felt my hoodie start to get wet again, "What if she gets hurt Draco? What if I can't protect her?"

I started to rub circles on his back to try and keep him calm, "You'll be able to protect her. You're a parent now you have instincts now. You'll know."

His breathing hitched and went very slow and quiet. I knew he was for sure asleep now. I didn't want him to go to that house. It was dangerous and I didn't even want to imagine what he could possibly go through while he was there.
I couldn't even do my part. I couldn't protect him or her. I couldn't be there with him because of this stupid system.
I stayed up all night thinking about these things. Around 5:45 I knew I needed to wake him up I didn't want to because of what he had gone through last night but we had to sadly get on that train.

"Harry," I whispered lightly shaking him.

"No. Please not yet."

I felt terrible. I felt like this was all my fault.

"Come on. We have to go. I'll be there with you as long as I can."

Harry nodded and headed towards his bathroom. This was going to be the longest and more stressful train ride I think either of us will have to go through.
A couple of minutes later he walked out of the bathroom with the black hoodie I had given him on. He didn't even bother to take a shower and neither did I. I wanted to spend as much time as I could with him even if that meant skipping a shower.
He walked over to me with his things and dropped them by my feet.
I pulled him into a hug.

"Breathe. It's going to be okay."

He looked up and me with those beautiful green eyes and nodded his head.
He went to pick up his things but I did before he had the chance. He gave me a quick smirk and we were headed out the door.
We didn't bother to stop and wait for the rest of the guys because this was a time for us. This would be the last time we saw each other for two weeks and I wanted to savor that moment and I needed Harry to know I was here for him.
We walked down to the carriages and got in my private one.

"I'll right here. I'm going to keep you safe." I whispered.

He didn't respond as I suspected and that was okay.
Once we reached the train station we both got out and stared at it. I didn't want to get on it and neither did Harry. This is the thing that was taking him to that hell hole.
I took his hand and lead him to the doors.

"Go sit in my compartment, I'm going to put our things away and meet you there."

He nodded his head and disappeared onto the train.
I started to put off things away when I heard a very high pitched voice.

"Hey, Draco! Where's Harry? Are we sitting in your compartment or mine?"

I turned around and saw Pansy standing there with what looked like her and Hermiones bags.

"Listen, Pansy, It's just going to be Harry and I. I know you want us all to sit together but he's very upset and I just want it to be us two. I hope you understand."

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