The Angry pup

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Gaël Pierce

"How could you let this happen?! I saw a baby wolf in my beauty's bakery! He's a werewolf! You have to get him away from there or the secret about werewolves' existence will be revealed! And my beauty...." The little tyke had been going on and on about what he saw in my mate's bakery today. I was already going nuts with all the paperwork and now my little nephews had made it his mission to talk my ear off. I want a break! I wanna see my mate. I miss him damn it!

Oh, how delicious he smelled! That berries and chocolate scent he emitted was enough to make me salivate. Those deep brown eyes and that delectable waist. Fuck! I miss him even more now!

My daydreaming about my mate was cut short when there was a loud bang on my table. And guess who it was... Zoltan, my nephew but in his wolf form. And the little pup was now trying to scratch me, growling his little life away.

Roi was already ticked off by the fact that we hadn't seen our mate since last Monday. And this little act of insolence by Zoltan broke the dam.

With a snap of my fingers, the pup before me was back to his human self and trying to get out of the seat he had been forced to sit on.

"Calm down Zoltan... The answers you need will only be given when you behave." With that being said, I made my way out of my study in search of a snack for my angry nephew. Why I went to get it myself when I could've just asked someone to bring it for me? Simple, To give my dear nephew some time to cool off. He is as headstrong as his mother, if not more. It will take him a while to get hold of himself.

I know the reason behind his insolent behaviour was his worry for my mate whom he has come to love as family, not that I mind it. It just shows how pure and kind-hearted my mate is that he could break through Zoltan's tough heart against humans.

While reheating one of those frozen snacks the cooks pack a night before for the kids, I thought of ways I could make Zoltan understand the bond that my mate had unknowingly formed with that wild pup. I know it will be hard explaining to him but what can I say when even I can't understand how it happened?

By the time I came back, the hallway to my study reeked of distress pheromones of Zoltan which made me pick up my pace.

Inside the room was even worse. It looked like the room had been through a hurricane, the desk was thrown in the corner, books and papers were strewn across the floor, and even the cupboards were knocked down but the culprit behind all the mess was still bound to his chair, wriggling and whimpering to get out of it. It would've been a pitiful sight had he not trashed my office. All the guilt I was feeling earlier for using my powers on him vanished in thin air.

With another snap of my fingers, the things in the room went back to their previous state which made Zoltan stop whimpering and look at the door, where I was standing.

Without saying a word, I walked in and placed the plate of snacks on the table before Zoltan. The pup looked at me with pleading eyes asking me to free him but that didn't budge me.

"How am I supposed to eat if you have me bound this way, Uncle Gael?" Asked the pup with a pout that could've made you do things for him and this time he succeeded. The kind uncle inside me wouldn't let me punish his nephew.

With another snap of my fingers, the magic was undone and the wriggling kid was free. Noticing that he was no more bound, my nephew gave me a full teeth smile and rushed towards the snacks that were kept on the table.

"You know you need to apologize for wrecking my office," I said massaging my temples to relieve the oncoming headache.

"Sooorrrrryyy... Uncle Gael." Giggled the little tyke as he munched on a chicken nugget.

I waited for Zoltan to finish his snack before starting the long-awaited conversation.

"Hey, Zoltan... I know you wanna know about that wild pup but before we talk about it, promise me you will listen and try to understand my reason." I said raising my pinky finger which made the little pup before me huff in exasperation. I mean who wouldn't be? I was doing the thing that a five-year-old might do.

"I promise, Uncle Gael," said Zoltan as he interlocked his pinky with me making me smile.

" here's the thing... That pup was rescued by Beaumont and unknowingly Beaumont formed a bond with him. The pup now thinks of Beaumont as his mother. And it is impossible to separate them, even Dr Ray has had a hard time keeping Beaumont at bay when a nurse accidentally harmed the pup." I said and waited for Zoltan to take that much in. He is a kid, I couldn't expect him to just magically understand everything.

"Yeah... I could guess that much. He was so protective of Leone. He even commanded me to call him by his name and I don't know why I can't disobey his command. But what if Leone shifts all of a sudden? It'll cause a huge commotion." said Zoltan, his eyebrows furrowed like an older person pondering over some serious matter. It was hard not to laugh.

"About that, it is already sorted out. I commanded the pup not to shift or it will scare away his 'Mama'. But what about the command? Did Beaumont command you?" I asked. I had to make sure that didn't mishear what Zoltan had said.

"Yes. And the command was stronger than yours. It had my wolf crouching with his tail tucked!" replied Zoltan. He too looked quite surprised by the fact that my mate could command an alpha wolf like him, even before becoming the Luna of the pack. But he wasn't alone in this. I too was confused about the charm my mate held.

"Hm... Maybe it's because he's my mate. His Luna powers may be awakening." I didn't notice that my thoughts were accidentally made vocal.

"But you two haven't even met properly! He doesn't even know about the mate thing!" Argued Zoltan, clearly ticked off. The fact that his 'Beauty' is my mate is something he hates to hear but I make sure to keep him reminding him of it.

"Your right... I need to start making my move. And as for the command thing... you don't need to worry about it. I'll investigate it myself. Now off you go." And with that, I shooed away my dear nephew so that I could think of ways to approach my dear mate.


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