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Hi guys.... How's life treating you all? I hope all of you are happy. Doing what you like. Or fighting for what you want.

Right now I'm on my way back home after seeing off my bestie/ best sister in thw world to college. And trust me the tears won't stop. I hate saying goodbyes and it took a bullshit amount of courage to do this one. I tried to smile and say goodbye and all the best for her new life but still my eyes welled up.

I know the distance won't change things between us, I'll still be bitching to her about the world and she'll try to make things get through my thick skull. I am happy for her new start but these years won't stop. Maybe theu are what we call happy tears.... Maybe its because I already miss her. I don't know.

Aa for the rest I have my exam in two days...on valentines. Yay.....

I may post a chapter tonight. Not sure but please bare with me for a little while more.

With love,


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