Chapter 7

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I feel the sun shining brightly against my face and my eyes flutter open gently. I glance around the room and I notice that I'm not in the same room as I fell asleep in before. I'm in my room. My bed, not the couch I fell asleep on yesterday. "What am I forgetting? I know I must be forgetting something..." I think as I sit up and look around the room again, squinting. "Y/n, you're finally awake! You don't remember what happened yesterday, do you?" Hermione asks me, immediately jumping off of her bed and sliding over to me. "Huh?" I ask, still extremely tired. 

"Do you know what happened yesterday or not?" She persists, sitting herself on the foot of my bed. "No...I don't think so.." I respond, leaning against my pillow while rubbing one of my eyes.

I yawn and she begins, "Well, after the Ball yesterday, I came here quite early so I decided to read. While I was reading though, the time slipped by and it was extremely late when I realized it. Before I realized it though, Ron had walked in here while carrying you. I asked him what happened and he said that you fell asleep on him in the Common Room, so he decided to bring you here. As you can probably tell, he left your dress on so, obviously, he didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea if you woke up without it on. He did say he felt bad about leaving you in the uncomfortable dress as you slept, though." I looked up at her, my face feeling hot. I place my hands on my cheeks to cool them down, but she just kept going.

"He brought your shoes with him," She points to the ground beside my bed, "and if I'm not mistaken, he kissed you on the cheek before he left." By now, I'm extremely red and there's no way to hide anything from Hermione, so she obviously noticed. 

"Oh my god, you're blushing!" She smiles and takes my hand. "W-Well, if you're going to t-tell me something like that, obviously I-I'm going to be flustered, Mione!" I say, placing one of my hands on my cheeks, trying to cool it down. "Weeeeeeeeell.....Ginny doesn't know. I could always go and tell her." She says as she smiles mischievously. 

"No, no no no no no.....That's the last thing I need right now, Mione. Now, I'm going to go get out of this body binding dress, I'll be out in a bit." I say, pushing the quilt off my legs and placing my warm feet on the cold ground. 


It's been hours now and the four of us still haven't figured out what the second task is. Harry figured out that the egg would speak, or sing,  underwater thanks to Cedric, but now we're just trying to decipher the riddle. "Harry, tell me again." Hermione states, pacing back and forth between the isles of the library.

"Come seek us where our voices sound." Harry says, his head bopping up and down on a book as he repeats it for what seems like the hundredth time. "The Black Lake, that's obvious." She states, shaking Ron awake beside me and tossing him the egg.

He grasps it and looks over my shoulder at the book I'm scanning through. "An hour long you'll have to look." He continues. "Again, obvious. Though admittedly, potentially problematic." Hermione says, leaning on Harry's chair. 

"'Potentially problematic'? When's the last time you held your breath underwater for an hour, Hermione?" Harry spits, sounding quite scared, actually. 

"Look, Harry, we-- we can do this. The four of us are going to figure this out." Hermione crouches beside Harry and I stand beside him with a hand on his shoulder. Ron stands too, twisting the egg between his hands. "Hate to break up the skull session. Professor McGonagall would like to see you in her office." Moody comes up behind us and just as Harry's about to stand he continues, "Not you Potter, nor you L/n, just Weasley and Granger." 

I lean against the table and nod as Hermione starts getting defensive, "But, sir, the second task is only hours away and--" She gets cut off by Moody, "Exactly. Presumably Potter is well-prepared by now and could do with a good night's sleep. Go. Now!" Moody pushes, Ron hands me the egg and I carry it with both arms as Hermione and Ron make their way out of the isle. 

The Red Head Who Stole My Heart ~•Ron Weasley x Reader•~ (Book 4; Year 4)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora