Chapter 4

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The four of us go to see who's putting their names in the Goblet while we don't have class. I stand at one of its sides and admire it, slightly in envy because I'd have put my name in the Goblet if I wasn't just 14. I know I don't look like it, but I'm up for some sort of challenge now and again.

I hear a bunch of commotion and I look over at the entrance, then see Fred and George walk in shaking their fists in the air. They both walk through some stands and high-five a bunch of people, then they start talking to their supporters. Hermione shuts her book and in a mocking tone, she says, "It's not going to work."

The twins crouch down on either side of her and ask, "Oh yeah? And why is that, Granger?" She sighs and points at the faint white line around the perimeter of the Goblet, "You see this? This is an Age line. Dumbledore drew it himself."


"So, a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dim-witted as an aging potion." She explains, looking between the both of them while she speaks. "Ah, but that's why it's so brilliant," Fred starts, "because he's so pathetically dim-witted." George finishes.

I smile and look at them as they begin shaking up their potions. I touch Fred's arm lightly and smile, wishing them luck. He smiles back and nods once, standing on the seats, then saying,

"Ready, Fred?"
"Ready, George."

"Bottoms up." They say in unison and down the potions with their arms locked. The drop their vials and jump into the circle. We all stare at them in anticipation and nothing happens. Both of them start warming up to their crowd and they toss their names into the Goblet. Nothing.

They start celebrating, but while they do, something happens and they both get blown back to the door entrance. Everyone's gaze follows them and they both sit up, their hair turning white and growing the same color beards.

They both wrestle on the ground, blaming one another for their failure. Everyone suddenly goes silent as Karkaroff and Krum walk into the room, Krum placing his name into the Goblet, and leaving without a single word.

The loud bell sounds and apparently, it's time for the names to be picked. We all file out of the room and head into the Great Hall to watch. I take my spot next to Ron and Dumbledore walks up to the Goblet, starting, "Now the moment you've all been waiting for: The champion selection." He lifts his arm and dims all the lights, most likely for suspense. Dumbledore walks up to the Goblet- his arm still outstretched- then the blue flames turn red, spewing out a small bit of parchment that Dumbledore catches.

"The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum." Everyone cheers and claps as Krum stands and walks out of the hall. Once he does, another fancy looking bit of parchment flies out and Dumbledore catches it. "The champions for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour." The girls of Beauxbatons cheer as she stands and walks off in the same direction as Krum.

Presumably, the final champion's name shot out of the Goblet and Dumbledore grasps it. "The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!" We all cheer and clap, wishing him luck and giving him high-fives on his way out. "Excellent! We now have our three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory...The Tri-Wizard Cup!" Dumbledore turns really fast as he finishes, then points at a crystal blue cup on a pedestal that's brought in by Crouch.

I look around to see everyone's faces of astonishment, before we hear the Goblet whooshing around and whatnot. It's flames turn red as it did when it was choosing champions, but the flames then shoot up, dispensing a fourth name that Dumbledore grasps.

"Harry Potter...Harry Potter?" Dumbledore looks around and I look down at Harry, sitting next to Hermione, "Harry, you should go.." He shakes his head and stays sitting. "Harry Potter!" Dumbledore yells, taking a final look around before Hermione forces Harry to stand by his arm. He walks up to Dumbledore and he hands him the parchment with his name on it.

The entire hall stays silent as Harry walks out the same way the champions did. I look at Hermione and she sits with a worried look on her face. I look over at Ron and see a scowl on his face. It's very unlike Ron to scowl like that, unless it's at Malfoy, and I'm beginning to get worried. "Ron..." I gently place my hand on his knee and he looks at me, his look of hatred unchanged. "It's never fair... Why's it always gotta be him?" Ron mutters to himself. I gently rub my thumb on the side of his leg, trying to get his attention.

I whisper his name again and Dumbledore quickly dismisses us, rushing out of the room with all the staff behind him. Ron doesn't look at me, but he stands, clasping my hand and dragging me out with him. I hold his hand tightly so I don't get lost in the crowd, but once we make it to the Grand Staircase, he stops on one of the moving staircases, and while waiting for it to move, he speaks, "Do you think it's fair?"

I look up at him, genuinely confused, "What?"

"Do you think it's fair that he's always in the spotlight?" He repeats. I stand there in silence, not wanting to bad-mouth Harry behind his back, especially to Ron. "Well, do you?" He asks, finally looking at me, his bangs draping like curtains over his eyes.

" Not particularly..." I respond, looking up at him with a small frown. "See? That's what I mean. He's been famous since he was a baby and I'm just....." Ron trails off, sticking a hand in his pocket and turning to face the walkway. "Ron..? You're just..what?" I take a step up and lock my arm with his, looking up at him.

"I guess...I'm just not as important then..." Ron mumbles, letting his head hang, and his shoulders drop. I step in front of him and force him to a stop. "Ronald Weasley, don't you dare talk about yourself in such a foul way! You are important! You are part of what makes Harry, Harry! He wouldn't have made it past the Wizards Chess match in our first year, his memory would have been wiped in our second, and he wouldn't have found out about Pettigrew if it weren't for you! There's no way in heaven or hell that anyone is more important than me..." I found that I had placed my hands on his chest and poked at his shoulder every time I listed something important about him.

I looked up at him, tears clouding my vision, expecting a response.

He just stood there.

He stood and didn't move, didn't make a sound. I sighed and bit my lip looking down, then letting my hands fall to my sides. Then that's when I felt it. That's when I felt his warm embrace along my body. His chin landed on my shoulder and I heard slight sniffling. I quickly wrapped my arms around him and held on for dear life.

This chapter was shorter than my other ones, yet it was very heartfelt and I love it. I hope you guys did too! I've got nothing to say except that I'm rewatching a Harry Potter marathon and I'm happy :)

Word Count: 1282

The Red Head Who Stole My Heart ~•Ron Weasley x Reader•~ (Book 4; Year 4)Where stories live. Discover now