Chapter 2

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"Blimey, dad, how far up are we?" Ron asks as we climb even higher. "Well, put it this way. If it rains, you'll be the first to know." I hear Lucius say from under us. We all look down and his son starts to speak, "Father and I are in the minister's box by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself." His father shoves his cane into his gut, telling him that there's no need to boast with us. I roll my eyes and cross my arms, turning around to not pay them any mind. I quickly grab Ron's arm and pull him up the stairs with me. 

We make it to our seats and everyone starts cheering as the Irish make their way out, circling the stadium. 

"It's the Irish! There's Troy!" Fred yells, pointing at one of the players.
"And Mullet!" George yells, also pointing out.
"And Moran!" 

Many people in the stadium start chanting "Ireland" as their floating firework leprechaun dissolves and thin air. Then, suddenly the black and red colored fireworks begin bursting and they all fly in. 

One of the players does a handstand on his broom, then sits back on it."Who's that?" Ginny asks, standing between Harry and I. "That, sis, is the best seeker in the world!" Fred yells, pointing at him, and everyone starts chanting, "Krum! Krum! Krum!" and all of our boys chant along. I grip the railing and feel the nice, cool wind on my face as they fly by. A giant moving picture of Krum is displayed on the opposite side of us and he waves out to everyone. 

"Good evening! As Minister for Magic, it gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the final of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup! Let the match....BEGIN!" Everyone in the crowd screams and shouts as the match begins and the Snitch is let out. 


Back at the tent, the twins start singing their little tune and Harry and Ron keep up their chanting of Krum's name. Ron steps up and says, "There's no one like Krum." The twins stop and look at him with their Irish flags on their backs. 

"Krum? Dumb Krum?" They both start making fun of him and Ron fires back, "He's like a bird, the way he rides the wind. He's more than an athlete, he's an artist!" Ginny comes up behind him and pats his shoulder, "I think you're in love, Ron." I giggle and the twins begin singing, 

"Viktor, I love you.." 
"Viktor, I do.."
"When we're apart my heart beats only for you..." 

I continue laughing as Harry joins in at the end. "Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on." Fred says, looking over at the entrance of the tent. "Stop-! Stop it!" Mr Weasley walks in and snatches away one of the Irish flags the boys are fighting with, "It's not the Irish. We've got to get out of here. Now!" 

Mr Weasley leads us to the front of the tent and we all get out. I stick behind Ron and Mr Weasley tells us to stay together and head to the Portkey. "Fred, George, Ginny is your responsibility. You four, stay together! Go!" He points at Ron, Harry, Hermione and I, then he points to follow the twins and Ginny. 

Harry turns to look behind us, but Hermione catches it and grabs his hand, bolting back to us. As they're running, I look forward and suddenly Ron grasps my hand and pulls me closer to him. We catch up to Fred and George and suddenly we hear Hermione's screams for Harry. Fred grabs her from the midst of the crowd and pulls her back to us. She's frantically looking around and calling for him as we- by "we" I mean Fred- pull her away from this mess. 

A while later, when there's no one left around, Ron, Hermione, and I go out searching for Harry. "Harry! Where are you?" Ron yells. We keep looking around together, yelling out his name every so often, when Hermione spots something moving behind one of the tents. 

She leads us to where she saw it and sure enough, Harry was there. "We've been looking for you for ages!" Ron exclaims as Hermione gently grabs his arm, turning around a few times. "Thought we lost you, mate." Ron touches Harry's shoulder, and he looks up.

"What is that?" Harry looks up at a smokey green skull in the sky, a snake coming out of its mouth. Harry hisses in pain and clutches his scar. 


Multiple people come out of nowhere, red sparks flying out of their wands. We all duck at the sound of it and clutch each other tightly. "STOP! That's my son!" I hear Mr Weasley running towards us. "Ron, Harry, Y/n, Hermione, are you alright?" I nod and he helps us stand. 

"We just came back for Harry.." Ron says, his arm wrapped around my shoulder protectively. "Which of you conjured it?" Crouch walks over and keeps his wand raised, pointed at the four of us. "Crouch, you cannot possibly-" Mr Weasley gets cut off by Crouch again, "Do not lie! You've been discovered at the scene of the crime." Crouch holds his wand up to Harry's throat, then moves it between all of us. 

"Barty, they're just kids." Mr Weasley tries to reason. "What crime?" Harry and I say in unison. "It's the Dark Mark...It's his mark.." Hermione explains. I look up as Harry whispers his name, seeing the smokey green figure again. I look at Ron with worried features, clutching his jacket tightly with both my hands. He looks back at me and shrugs slightly, just enough so that I could see, being that I'm right next to him. 

I look back at Crouch and Harry starts, "Those people tonight, they're his too, aren't they? His followers?" Mr Weasley nods, looking at the Ministry workers, "Death Eaters." 

Crouch starts to walk away without another word, but Harry steps forward, "Um, there was a man, before. Over there." Harry points to the opposite of where we're standing. Crouch gathers up his men and they all walk that way. "A man, Harry? Who?" Mr Weasley asks. 

"I dunno... I didn't see his face." Harry answers. He turns around and looks up, as do the rest of us. I rest my head on Ron's side, his arm still wrapped around me. 


I sit across from Hermione, leaning my head on the wall of the compartment. "Anything from the trolley?" The trolley witch approaches our compartment and Ron and Harry begin to dig through their pockets, looking for their money. 

Ron opens the door and says, "A packet of Drooble's and... a Licorice wand, please." She hands him the Drooble's and he says, "On second thought, just the Drooble's." Ron turns and I hand him a Galleon, "Take it." 

"It's fine, Y/n, keep the money." He says, sitting in his seat next to the door. I let my shoulders drop and stick the money back in my pocket. "This is horrible. How can the Ministry not know who conjured it? Wasn't there any security, or-?" 

Ron looks at Hermione from across the compartment and answers, "Loads, according to Dad. That's what worried them so much. Happened right under their noses." Ron pops another Drooble into his mouth and Hermione glances at Harry. "It's hurting again, isn't it? Your scar." She drops her Daily Prophet onto her lap as he says that he's fine. 

"You know Sirius would want to hear about this. What you saw at the World Cup and the dream." Hermione placed her hand on his knee while she spoke. He looks away from her and grabs his quill and parchment from his bag. He writes and writes until we reach the school, setting Hedwig out to deliver the letter as the train turns the corner of the Black Lake. 

We all file out of the train and everyone's piled out in front of the Lake. Pegasi pulling a carriage in the sky fly by us and almost run Hagrid over as they land. Next, a giant ship comes out of the Black Lake and sails over to the school. 

"Oh, lord, what's Dumbledore planning this year?" I ask myself as we all shove into the Great Hall to begin the first years' Sorting Ceremony. 

Hey everyone! I'm so glad I was  finally able to write another chapter! It is quite late, but I don't sleep anyways so whatever. I finally have free time due to the quarantine but that doesn't excuse that I haven't posted in forever. Do expect to see another one soon, though. 

Word Count: 1446

The Red Head Who Stole My Heart ~•Ron Weasley x Reader•~ (Book 4; Year 4)Where stories live. Discover now